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Blog Archives April-September 2006

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September 26, 2006

I'll jump right in with Show 'N Tell:

Rosemary sent a picture of the Dale of Norway sweater that she knitted for her daughter:

Aren't you impressed?

Employee, Susan, made some cute toys for her cat:

Her boyfriend, Tyler, finished his first attempt at a hat:

It's an eggplant hat. Great job, Tyler!

I had a nice surprise on Saturday and saw a couple of customers that I had been missing. Christina and Pam dropped by and Pam showed me her felted purse:

They're always so friendly and pleasant!

New books that have arrived:  Cool Crochet Hats; Fabulous & Flirty Crochet; Not Tonight, Darling, I'm Knitting; Knit 2 Together; The Best of Knitter's: Jackets for Work and Play; Funky Chunky Crocheted Accessories;  and Modern Classics.

Have a great day!



September 21, 2006

I started a Lopi sweater:

I started over on this a couple of times before I realized there was an error on the chart. I should have realized it sooner. The chart had you do a 23-stitch pattern followed by 22-stitch repeats on 192 stitches.  I did this late at night and couldn't figure out where I was going wrong. The next morning it dawned on me to count the stitches on the chart for a possible error. Once the error was found; everything went smoothly. However, I got this far, and decided I didn't like it. So off the needles it goes! I may start it again using a different yarn but then again, my mood may change. In my younger days I use to think I had to finish whatever I started. In my older days I discovered that there was no rule about this and knitting is a hobby and the time spent on it should be enjoyable. Do I put it aside to have it haunt me from the closet? Heck, no. I rip it out and put the yarn in my stash. Sometimes I may have a project that is almost finished and I will lay it aside. However, if I haven't picked it up in several months - it gets permanently laid to rest. Now, I must admit that I am the extreme opposite to a pack rat. I have discarded things before that I regret later.......

On Saturday, I had the entrelac purse class:

This is Marjorie getting ready to work her first tier.

That's Dorothy and Denese. Remember the Texan that knitted the Oklahoma washcloth for The Yarn Harlot? Well, that's Denese. Man, this woman knits at the speed of lightning! I watched her for a little bit and started getting motion sickness! (and that's not a joke)  We had an interesting group. Dorothy plays in our local Philharmonic Orchestra and I can't quite remember if it was Marjorie and her husband (or both) that played professionally also. She and Dorothy knew most of the same people and talked music that was above Denese's and my head. lol

Polly came in with her felted basket:

Many new books arrived yesterday. However, I'm at home and can't remember every title - I'll try to post the list tomorrow. I just have to comment that it must not take much to publish a book because I wonder how some ever made it to print......


September 16, 2006

Received Zephyr silk/wool in yesterday:

The Black Sheep met as usual on Thursday and we had Show 'N Tell. Price had two hats finished. Unfortunately the beautiful Fair-Isle pattern is not showing well in this picture:


Price's second hat is knitted out of Plymouth's Alpaca Grande:

Both hats are for gifts. They are going to special people in Price's life. I notice most of us knit things for other people. I think it's a special way for us to express how we care for others. In my younger days I use to knit/sew almost all of my presents. As many of us know - most people don't realize the work and skill put into a project. Now that I'm older and definitely shorter on time - I only give knitted gifts to those that I know will appreciate it. 

Shirley finished her scarf and moebius. Here she is modeling her scarf:

Shirley joined the Black Sheep by accident a couple of weeks ago. She had taken the moebius class and had dropped by for some help. It just so happened that it coincided with the Black Sheep group gathering. Well....we had another convert! lol  The group has a way of roping you in!

Nancy finished her felted purse using a wool yarn and JCA's Broadway yarn:

From this distance you can't see how pretty the beading is. So I tried to get a close-up:

I didn't accomplish it. Some of the beads really glitter and it looks oh-so-pretty.

Jennifer Lueb finished the Christmas Stocking for the class in November. It is made out of Reynolds Lopi yarn and a pattern out of the Christmas Stockings book. It's not supposed to be felted but I did a quick run through the washer because I like how the Lopi gets fuzzy.

Have a great weekend!


September 14, 2006

The give-aways are gone and the class is full! Thanks to everyone who participated!

In case you haven't noticed - we started our winter hours last weekend. We are now open until 5 on Saturdays and open on Sundays from 1-5.

We had a flirt in the store yesterday.......

He had the women in the shop wrapped around his finger! His name is Henry and he's the youngest of five boys!! My hat is off to this mother!!

Finished the Easy Cable Scarf pattern:

It uses two hanks of Plymouth's Alpaca Grande and is a free pattern with purchase of yarn. We received a shipment of Alpaca Grande yesterday which included the denim color that everyone loves. More colors are on their way.

Busy day yesterday (and we love it!) Melissa had the afghan club in the morning and I had the sweater club in the afternoon.  Yes, forgot pictures again! You would think by now I would be trained!

Retreat update: Only a couple of spots left! Also, one person is in need of a roommate (non-smoker).

Better get to work!


September 13, 2006

Don't you love this weather? We need a table outside for customers to sit and knit!

I came in the other day and this beautiful plant was on the counter:

It was from the Oklahoma City Knit Guild thanking me for my help in bringing the Yarn Harlot to town. It is I that should be doing the thanking to the guild. They were phenomenal in what they accomplished!

We got a large shipment of Cascade 220 in yesterday. We now have the OSU color back in stock, plus a couple of new colors. The new book, "Deadly Yarn" arrived. We're almost sold out and have another order placed.  We received more copies of some new favorites: Itty Bitty Hats, Greetings from the Knit Cafe Press, Stitch N' Bitch 2007 calendar and a new book just released: Knitting Loves Crochet. This book shows how crochet can make a fast and beautiful edging to sweaters and accessories. Adding crochet edgings is a favorite of mine. It's much faster than picking up stitches. So..on the topic of crochet - I have been chosen by my book vendor to host an "authorless" book party! The featured book is: "The Happy Hooker". To the first 15 people to contact me - you will receive a free crochet hook, ball of yarn and a pattern for a scarf out of the book. Also, I am giving away free crochet lessons to the first 6 to buy a book! The class will be on Sept. 28th, 6-8pm. E-mail me at

I leave you with a picture of the favorite guest at our Knit-Ins:

This is Linen. She is Nina's service dog. Such a sweet thing. My son got to meet Nina the other day and since they share a common ailment - they had a good visit. Thanks, Nina. My son appreciated it. He didn't get to meet Linen since Nina's sister was with her instead but Nina invited him to come to her house to do so.

Have a great day!


September 11, 2006

There are some Peruvians cursing me right now (and perhaps even David although he would never admit it). I've decided the yarn could be better, so I've pulled it off the shelves. It's a big disappointment but it'll work out in the end. It's my fault for rushing. I've been too anxious and impatient. I was wanting it in by the fall season but sometimes things don't work out like we plan. It's good alpaca but I'm wanting the twist just a little different. What am I going to do with what I've got? I haven't decided. I'm going to keep some for myself and make an afghan but I can't possibly use it all personally. I'll probably decide today what to do. I'll still be receiving cones of alpaca like those we have on display plus some roving.

Diane modeled her scarf knitted out of Monet. She likes this yarn so well that she's planning to knit a moebius out of it.

Nina knitted a sweater out of the book, "Jean Frost Knitted Jackets". Nina has knitted for years but she said this is the first time she's knitted something for herself. Good for you, Nina!

I wish you could see it in person and see how beautifully knitted the stitches are.

Again, I forgot to take pictures of all the classes we had last week. The toe-up sock class was much quieter than last month's. lol LeAnn from Arkansas and her sister, Gay, from Austin joined us!  I did warn those who planned to take it again next month that the problem children would be there and I hoped the problem children didn't corrupt them. One student commented, "Oh good! I corrupt easily!" Oh, man, I think I better start a training regiment now to be prepared..........and for those planning to take the class - I think everyone is bringing in their Happy Meals to eat before class. lol

The Knit-In was Saturday. It was great to see some new faces and some familiar faces that hadn't been for awhile:

We also had a younger crowd present:

David got a kick out of watching these girls in the front seriously discussing yarn and needles. He asked if I was about that age when I started. I was about Maddys' age (in center). 

The pictures of the recipe winners didn't turn out well. But Kay won first for her meatballs, Carolyn won second for her cocktail cake, and Carol won third for her cole slaw. Carol came up and received her gift certificate and as she turned to walk away, she commented, "Thank you, Granny!" I was kind of speechless and I think everyone else was until Carol continued with, "Your recipe won!"  Everyone got a good laugh because we thought at first she was calling me Granny!

And talk about recipes, I think Martha Van Hook has been a little bit overwhelmed lately! I hope to help her type some today. Thanks to all of you who have contributed. I forgot to give the log-in name for writing in your own recipes. If you can write in your own, e-mail me for the log-in and password. I don't want to publicize it here.

I hope everyone's Monday is a great start to the week! (and I hope publishing the blog today is a success!)


September 6, 2006

Some exciting news happened over the weekend:

It's our very own alpaca yarn! David and I have been working hard over the past year to bring our customers a high quality yarn at a reasonable price.

Many of you have wondered why David became a partner in the business (no, he is not my husband. lol).  Now you know.  I knew I could not do this alone and I knew that David had the contacts so I approached him almost two years ago about this. Finally a year ago, David decided to do it. Trips to Peru, samples sent back and forth, endless telephone calls and e-mails later, I was feeling guilty for getting him into this. I can't begin to tell you how many samples were sent back and forth (to the tune of, "You American sure are picky!) There were times we felt like throwing in the towel.  Poor David, he's done the most which included listening to me rant and rave and always having a patient tone and a perseverance  attitude. Finally, finally....we got what we were wanting! There's no way I could have done it without him! This is only a preview of our huge order.  It's a worsted weight 100% alpaca that comes in a 100 gram ball with 140 yards per ball. It retails for $9.95! We have a limited supply until our big order comes! There will be sample yarn on our tables that you may sit down and play and knit with!

I finished my pair of Lola socks:

Lola yarn is a hand-painted superwash worsted weight yarn by Schaefer. Btw, I read in a magazine that had a pair of socks that Nancy Bush designed and she remarked that Schaefer's Anne sock yarn is one of her favorites!

Here's a pic of the black sheep meeting last week:

Nancy had another felted purse:

Liz took the moebius class and finished her (2nd!) moebius:

Don't you love this weather? Have a great day!


August 31, 2006

I made a mistake the other day. I decided to stop at the Kolache and Donut place up the street. I now have a new addiction:

Bacon, egg and cheese. Absolutely delicious. I can't believe I actually bypassed donuts!

Have a friend that admires your yarn but is intimidated by knitting? We received the friendship scarf kit by Plymouth:

The kits contain enough yarn to make two scarves - one for her and one for you. It's all finger weaving and requires no knitting. They retail for $60 and come in three different shades of color.

We have two new purses made out of the Pursenality books:

Jennifer Lueb is going to be having a workshop day on September 9 for felted purse. You may receive help this day with any felted purse pattern.  Time 12-4 and cost is $15.  Don't forget - felted purse contest on Oct. 21st! If you need more details - call the shop!

Life has been tough lately and yesterday I happened to find in the fridge some chocolate that Terri Derrick had given me a couple of weeks ago:

Thanks, Terri! It's just what the doctor ordered!

Have a great day!


August 29, 2006

I don't know why but I'm having a lot of trouble blogging.  So . . .if this gets published - it's thanks to my daughter, Stacy.

I got my Lola sock done and have started on the second:

Also finished the Feza Premier Moebius:

New Shipments:
Yarn: Karaoke - 50% soy silk 50% wool  100 meters for $9.00

Plymouth Yarn - scarf kits. Kits make two identical scarves. $60 (we are thinking of splitting these kits) but we are almost sold out as of now.  More on the way . . .

New releases by Martingale:
Knits, Knots, buttons, and Bows; Projects for Baby  by Lynda Schar.

Romantic Style Knits and Crochet to wear or display by Jennie Atkinson.

Last week, the Thursday evening sweater club met and voted on knitting the cabled sweater on the cover of Knit Simple magazine - fall issue.  If you would like to join, please come in to order your yarn.  We will start the sweater in Sept.

As most of you know, I've been off with a sick child in the hospital so I'm behind on my duties so I better get busy.  At least it is nice and cool this morning!



August 23, 2006

I wrote this entry yesterday but was unable to get it published.

August 22, 2006

It's been one birthday party after another around here. Today is David's and Kay's. (Happy Birthday to both of you.) I think 90% of the Black Sheep had August birthdays and 2 out of 3 employees had one.

There's a reason I didn't get the other moebius done, or the alpaca sweater, or the other sock, or the....well, I have a good excuse this time. Last Monday I decided to knit David a scarf for his birthday.

It's a pattern from Vogue's On the Go series, "Chunky Hats and Scarves". I used Plymouth's Baby Alpaca Grande. If you haven't felt this yarn - you owe it to yourself to try it. One touch and you're hooked.

What would you say about hand-painted superwash worsted-weight wool?? We thought it was a great idea so we bought several different colors of Schaefer's Lola Superwash. Schaefer has a great selection of sock patterns for this yarn. I brought a skein home and one of their patterns for Lacy Mock Rib Socks. All of the patterns haven't arrived yet, but we do have several colors on hand:

I saw a child's sweater being made out of this yarn and it was so pretty and festive. We have some new colors in their sock yarn. I chose some darker colors that seemed appropriate for men's socks plus a couple of bright ones:

David really liked the yarn, Sandra, so we bought one colorway to see how customers like it.

Sandra is 78% cotton and 22% rayon. 225 yards for $24.  And last but not least:

Esperanza. A bulky weight wool. Remember all of Schaefer's yarns are hand painted. It's so much fun to start getting new and exciting yarns!

Show 'N Tell:

Katie finished her very first sock:

She made a ruffle edging on it. You look like a pro, Katie! Plus Katie finished with another purse:

K. (I lost the piece of paper that showed me how to spell her name - sorry!) came by and showed us her poncho and a couple of her afghans that she crocheted:

Polly finished a sock made out of Opal:

Terri made the basketweave shell out of Classic Elite's Provence:

Beautiful sweater, beautiful woman. Terri wore this shell to a party and another woman complimented her on it and asked where she bought it. Now that's an endorsement of good work!

Have a great day!



August 17, 2006

Well, a lot of us got the craziness of getting kids off to school this week. It's hard to believe it's time to start the frenzy up again.

Have I got my gift knitted? What do you think? Of course, not! I use to be the early bird on gift giving. Now my friends know to expect things late. I absolutely have got to get it in the mail next week! It takes a long time to get things to Australia.

Carla was in the beginning class in July and knitted her first scarf:

She made it out of the beautiful Fiamma yarn by Plymouth.


Thanks for Brenda Hatfield for having the idea for the next contest! Yesterday, a group of us were pondering what to title our cookbook. (we were not talented in this area) Brenda heard some of the ideas from the other room and must have decided we needed help. lol So, she suggested a contest to name the book. What a great idea! (one less strain on the brain is always welcomed) So...submit your ideas for the name of the cookbook to The front cover has a picture of a lamb and its mother. The winner will receive a free cookbook! Also, recipes are needed!! There are 8 categories: appetizers & beverages, soup & salad, vegetable/side dish, main, bread, desserts, cookies & candy, and this & that. Submit as many as you want! You may e-mail your recipes to me and I'll forward them to Marth.  We need to get this finished by the middle of Sept to be able to have the book by December.

Remember - Black Sheep meeting this afternoon! Everyone is welcomed! They come and go in the afternoon, but the majority are here by 2. Hope to see you!


August 14, 2006

I should have known better than to take a day off and try to rest. I try to take Mondays off from the shop but I'm usually at home working on the computer or knitting stuff for the store. Yesterday I had planned to run some errands and then spend some time doing knitting on a gift that I need to get in the mail. I ran to Sears in the morning and bought some jeans for my son. Well, Sears is doing some remodeling and the check-out counter had been moved. The girl told me the computers were down and she would have to do my charge manually. After Sears, I did my grocery shopping.  Late that afternoon I thought I would sit down around 4 and watch a movie and do my knitting. I hadn't watched a movie in the afternoon since....since....well, it's been a long time.  At 3:30, the phone rang. It was Discover's fraud department. Apparently a $500 keyed-in purchase had been made at Sears at 2:55.  I told Discover it was bogus and headed to Sears.  Well, you guessed it - she made an extra impression of my card and used it later to buy a gift card right before she left. Anyhow, by the time I got through with police reports, etc. - it was after 6. I could have had my gift finished!! *sigh*

Oh well, on to better stuff! Sharon came in with a scarf she is knitting out of Berroco's Suede. As always, things look prettier in person:

Want some good news? Everyone seemed to really like Cascade 220 for $6.50 a hank. So guess what? We will continue to have it at that price. Plus, Quattro will have a new lower price by the end of the day!

August 11, 2006

The Black Sheep met yesterday to celebrate the July/August birthdays. It was difficult keeping everyone's fingers out of the icing!

About five minutes after we cut the cake, Kevin came. His birthday is on the same day as Sandy's.

Everyone had a great time!

Okay, confession time - I'm down to attaching the braid to my jacket:

Only have about an inch have I finished it yet? Of course not! I had to try some new yarn and knit a moebius:

A close-up of the yarn:

We got a shipment of Opal yarns in Zebra and Owl. These patterns have been out of stock for over a year. Opal has a limited supply and they're going fast.

Stay cool!


August 10, 2006

Maddy came in with two more scarves that she had made:

Maddy took my children's class just two weeks ago. I think she has join the knitting society full steam! She brings in her own money for yarn and raids her Aunt Barbie's stash. This girl knows good yarn!

Christy brought her an afghan that she had knitted. She spent some time on this! I bet she had fun weaving all those ends! (notice her little ham with her. lol)

And talk about hams:

Tyler (Susan's boyfriend) came by to pick up Susan and apparently thought the tomato hat was dashing.  You know, Tyler, somehow that hat suits you. I think you need one knitted! lol

Christy Wilson came by to show us the shawls that she has been feverishly knitting this summer. Christy made a lovely gesture to her stepdaughter and volunteered to knit a shawl for every girl in the wedding party. Christy was figuring on one or two. Well, imagine her reaction when she found out there were 7 bridesmaids!!  (personally I thought it was swell of her! lol)

Christy has also been busy knitting felted purses:

Don't forget - Black Sheep meeting this afternoon. We're celebrating August birthdays! Even though the name suggest a formal group - it's not! It's an open social knitting time. Everyone is encouraged to attend!


August 8, 2006

This entry would have been made earlier but I was trying to post to a different program where people could post entries. I gave up and went back to here.

Last Friday, Debbie came in with her latest creation:

She designed a little tennis sweater for a new arrival. Just darling.

Saturday started out nicely with the cuff-down sock class in the morning. The toe-up class was scheduled for one. Kathy and Anita showed early and eagerly awaited start of the class. Around 4 minutes till..I wondered where the rest of the class was, when the front door blew open and here came Terri, Karen, Kay, and Jan breezing in with their Happy Meals. (there is a correlation here...) They exclaimed that they would "croak" if they didn't get their meals eaten. However, as every mother who has witnessed their starving child with a Happy Meal knows - food is forgotten until the prize is opened.  The Happy Meals contained replicas of Humvees. Since Jan was driving her brand new one; there were shouts of, "Hey, Jan, I have the color of yours!" Jan would run over, take a look and whine, "But, it's not a H2." About this time, I'm thinking that instead of Advil in the First-Aid box; I should have stocked hard liquor....

Soon the children quieted down to eat their meals:

(notice Anita and Kathy working in the background??)

Finally they all buckled down to work:

What a ride that class was! And if you're a mother (or teacher), you'll know that it never seems that troublemakers pick up what the good ones are doing...oh, no...the good ones have to start feeding off of the troublemakers...

That's Karen on the right teaching Anita the fine art of cutting up...of course, Kathy couldn't feel left out...

I bet people coming into the front of the store thought there was a wild party in the back. lol  I think everyone's side was hurting by the end of the class.

I took a quick ride in Jan's Humvee (drat, no pic) and then it was time for the Knit-In! This event has really been growing and we will soon need to find more chairs for everyone!

(I stole this picture from Terri)
The Troublemaker class continued sitting at their table and it didn't take long for them to corrupt the whole gathering! All I can say is - it's a good thing we don't have liquor at the Knit-Ins! lol These people don't need any assistance!

Boy, was there a ton of food and it was all very good. I'm always stuffed like I've just eaten Thanksgiving dinner. I'm glad I don't have to be the judge of the dishes - I could never decide. But the decision was made (always by secret judges) and Lou (first time in attendance) won 3rd prize:

Jan won second:

and Beverly won first for her fruit pizza:

Rosemary modeled her new Harry Potter scarf out of Cascade 220:

and Jen finished her latest hat:

All in all - it was a great day! Days like these make me happy!

August 4, 2006

We received some new yarns in from Plymouth:

On the bottom left is "Bernina"by Le Fibre Nobili. A beautiful variegated wool yarn. Everyone is gravitating toward the Bernina for a Moebius wrap.  A coordinating yarn to Bernina is "Stelvio" (directly behind Bernina). We are carrying a side-to-side pattern for a vest that uses Bernina for the main body and Stelvio as trim. We have all the colors. On the right lower hand is one of those yarns that you automatically go, "aaahhh" when you touch it. It's 70% angora, 10% wool, and 20% nylon.  It retails for $7.49 and has 91 yards.  Last, but certainly not least, in the back on the right is "Patches". A fun novelty yarn. You can see items made in this yarn and the others on Plymouth's web site

The Black Sheep had their meeting yesterday:

Price Grimes joined us for the first time. We'll see if he's brave enough to come again.....

Marjie came up from Pauls Valley and showed us several items that she had finished. Unfortunately I only took two pictures. She finished her baby blanket for a friend's baby. She calls this baby her "practice grandchild". lol

And of course, a matching hat:

Wow. If this is for the practice grandchild, she's going to have to work hard to top this.

Christy showed us the most whimsical thing I've seen in a long time. I always love a laugh and how could this not make a person smile and think happy thoughts??

Susan kindly modeled it for us:

I'm sure she was muttering under her breath, "I don't recall this being in my job description."

Don't forget - Knit-In tomorrow night!  We were going to go with a picnic theme but we've kind of have had that so it's potluck - anything goes! (I don't think any of us are picky eaters. lol)

Have a great day!


August 3, 2006

Well, I think I've got the files transferred, now I'll see if I can get it published to the web site. This will be great if it works - maybe it will cut my hours here at the shop (after store hours). At least I can run the washing machine while I work....

Maddy was in my children's class and finished her first washcloth:

She immediately jumped in on another project:

She's making a scarf out of Limerick Yarn.

Corrie came by with her baby blanket. It was so cute how she made the different colors look like a kite.

Unfortunately the picture-taker was apparently a little shaky.

Recipes! We need recipes! We are gathering recipes for a knitter's cookbook. We hope to have the cookbook ready for the holiday season. Proceeds from the cookbook will go toward the Knit Wits to buy labels, etc. for their hospice knitting. Martha Van Hook has kindly volunteered to organize this project. Please e-mail her your recipes at   Deadline for submissions is Sept. 15. 

Well, I better stop for now so I can help unpack a shipment. New yarns from Plymouth! Pics to follow tomorrow!


August 3, 2006

I'm getting ready to transfer the website files over to my notebook. So, if everything is totally messed up later - you'll know who to blame. Wish me luck.....

August 2, 2006

I went to the country for a couple of days:

I can see for miles out the back door. It's so peaceful to sit there drinking a cup of coffee and catching the morning breeze. you have to get up at the crack of dawn to catch a cool breeze. I told my family to turn down the air conditioner and just pretend they're in the mountains.......didn't work.

For those of you at The Yarn Harlot's speech - remember when she proudly showed off the ball of yarn and then her socks? I think all of us has experienced that feeling - making something out of just string. Well, I have a different version.
See this:

Now it's this:

If you're not getting pleasure out of your knitting; go on to something else. Life is short. So that project is abandoned.

Know what gives me great pleasure? To see a customer having fun with knitting. To take a beginner and watch them become obsessed with knitting. Lainey was in the teen's beginning group in June. She immediately jumped in with a stocking hat as her first project. She would come in the store and sit and knit. Yep, we had a new addict.....welcome to the club, Lainey.

Didn't she do a great job?? I feel like a mother beaming with pride. lol

Getting ready to place some orders today for some new exciting yarns. Can't wait. We've been busy planning the last quarter calendar and we will have many classes to offer! Some new clubs also. Stay tune!

July 28, 2006

I think everyone is starting to recoup from The Yarn Harlot's visit. Many people worked hard to get ready for Steph's visit. David and I are finally going to take a Sunday off this summer. I don't know what he has planned but I'm going to leave town so I won't be tempted to come into the office and try to catch up on some things. lol

Stephanie seemed really impressed with the group singing, "Oklahoma". Well, what is more fitting than to get in JCA's Showstopper ribbon in color - "Oklahoma"!

Beautiful ribbon with gold metallic threads running througout. Retails for $10.95 and has 106 yards.

I knitted more on my alpaca jacket at the doctor's. I have only a sleeve left to do. I will try to get pics later. It's my home project and I usually don't have my camera out at home. Okay, I'm going to be like Kay and start another project. I started an afghan for a gift (copycat from Pat):

Let's see, I've got about 2" knitted so I only need about 58"'s already the end of July....the gift needs to be ready next month.....umm....maybe I should aim for Christmas instead.

I'm knitting it out of Plymouth's Baby Alpaca Grande. I just love the feel of alpaca running through my fingers. If you've ever knitted with alpaca or other fine animal hair, you'll notice that it sheds for awhile. As I mentioned, I knitted the other day in the doctor's office and was wearing black pants. When they called my name and I stood up - well, I looked like I had been in a cat fight. Note to self: go back to knitting socks in doctors' offices.

Kevin e-mailed me this morning concerning a question about a pattern and I liked how he ended it:

Knit in Peace,

July 27, 2006

The Yarn Harlot was actually here! We had a great turn-out and I think everyone had a great time! We had people from Kansas, Arkansas, and Texas.  The guild did a fantastic job and provided a lovely table full of goodies for the reception:

The line was long but everyone was a trooper:

Stephanie and her publicist, Jamey, were a delight to be around.  Stephanie talked to each and every person that came and made sure that every book was signed.

Many had their sock meet her sock, including me:

Poor Stephanie couldn't get a regular beer on Tuesday because of the elections. However, after 7, you can buy a drink so after the book signing a few of us went for dinner and Stephanie received her beer:

If I had known ahead of time, I could have brought a 6. to her hotel room from home! lol

Stephanie said that we were going to be a hard act for other stores to follow. We think she will be a hard act to follow for other authors!

Have a cool day!

July 21, 2006

For most of you - it's Friday! I'm always amazed at how empty the parking lot is on Friday mornings. Must be a lot of people that get to take off on Fridays. For those of you who still have to get up and go to work and are stuck on a Friday morning reading my blog; here's some pics:

Had beginning child/teen knitting with the exception of one mother:


I may have to make a rule against sisters taking a class together or at least separate

Kevin dropped by for the Black Sheep meeting and received his tote bag prize:

I'm still needing ideas for future contests. Surely someone out there has some ideas.....

I only managed to have one pic of the Black Sheep turn out:

*sigh* It's such a nice picture of our remodeling mess in the background.

I hate to admit how I function sometimes...   I felt so proud of myself that I remembered to take pictures of the sweater club last night. I even remember picking up the camera off the table afterwards. I could have sworn that I took some...but there's wasn't a pic on the card this morning. Hmmm...could the group be playing with me???? Yeah - that's what I'll believe. That sounds far better, don't you think??

I know it sounds repetitive but try to stay somewhat cool!

July 20, 2006

The Yarn Harlot will be here on Tuesday!! I'm trying not to think about all I need to accomplish before then! Remember, the Yarn Harlot will meet everyone at the shop after her speech. Her publisher has assured me that she will stay until she has signed every book.

I'm not good at composition and I'm sure this story will be one of those: "Oh, well, I guess you should have been there." But anyhow, David dropped by the shop on his way home from his day job (yep, better keep that one, David). He picked up the mobeius that Melissa had knitted. He looked at it and then he started really studying it.  A group of us watched him as he studied the stitches and the yarn. I thought to myself, "I'm surprised he's that interested in it." Finally he held it up in front of him, looked at it some more, and finally said, "Is there a mistake here?"  He look bewildered as to why we were all laughing so hard.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday! Don't forget - Black Sheep meeting. Everyone is welcomed!


July 19, 2006

Well, there sure hasn't been any cool raining days lately.  They say it was up to 107� yesterday. Once, you get past 100 - who's counting??  Of course, they say a cold  front is coming in this weekend. It should be down to a bone-chilling 98. Don't you just love it?? This kind of weather can put one in a grumpy mood.

On the brighter side - Anita Roesler won the latest contest and came by to collect her prize:

I'm still visualizing her prancing around her backyard with lighted knitting needles. lol

Sharon and Gordon came by and Gordon showed us the cashmere scarf that Sharon had knitted:

Unfortunately, from a ways off you can't see the beautiful pattern. So here is a close-up:

Judy came by modeling her basketweave shell that she made:

Didn't she do a fantastic job??  She did a great job on the fit. She liked her top so well that she's holding a bag of Provence to make another one. It always gives me a thrill to see one happy with their creation.

I f-i-n-a-l-l-y  got the houndstooth purse done:

This is a great project to learn and practice Fair-Isle.  We have a class coming up on Sept 30. Most people know that Fair-Isle is my passion. We will be having a Fair Isle workshop during the retreat.

Some of you may have noticed that we have a shopping cart installed. It is in its infant stage and we are busy inputting items and working out some kinks. Hopefully by September, we will be in full force. I can't wait!

Try to stay cool today!

July 14, 2006

Hey, did you notice that the MG car is coming back? Isn't it ironic that it's going to be manufactured where my nickname originated?

I had the beginning children/teen knitting class (with one parent) in the afternoon and all of them did really well! The second class of beginning knitting was in the evening. The students finished their felted potholder and now are excited about picking out their next project.

The Black Sheep were in full force yesterday! The group is becoming as large as the monthly knit-ins! Hmm...maybe we need to get the food thing going....  Nancy, who comes in from Chandler, got to meet another Chandler resident who just happened to drop in the store.  That's what is fun about knitting groups - it really is a great way to meet others.

Corrie came in and showed us her felted scarf and hat:

They look really cute and she did a great job! However, she said that she thinks a felted scarf is a little heavy for Oklahoma. I have to agree, but on a cold windy January day; one might think differently....

I had many great ideas for the lighted needles. It's hard to make a decision. Overwhelmingly, people mentioned knitting under the covers at night. Other replies were to light up door locks at night, airport runway attendants, road hazard lights, red-neck bug zappers, (hey, I'm from the country!), being able to knit if during a storm the lights went out, knitting while waiting for fireworks to start. But, the winner is Anita Roesler with her entry of using them in the backyard to simulate fireflies! I'm just visualizing Anita running around her backyard twirling knitting needles. lol  Anita, please come in to collect your prize! And thanks to everyone who entered! For the next contest - I'm already out of ideas. Isn't that pathetic - two ideas and I'm blank. So, please e-mail your ideas..... maybe I'll have the winner of the best idea.

Hope to see you soon!


July 12, 2006

Wasn't the rain nice for a change? Now we're back to hot and humid though.

I finally got my houndstooth purse knitted and felted. Now I just need to complete a couple of roses and get them felted and sewn on the purse.  There's a lot of hand work on this purse and everyone knows how much I love hand finishing....  I didn't mind the purse much until I started my alpaca sweater and it's all I'm wanting to knit. I did manage to do a side front on the way to Ft. Worth last Friday and started my sleeve while waiting in the doctor's office. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have the purse finished and can work on the sweater without guilt.  Of course, there's still that baby sweater on display that's been waiting for the last two buttons to be sewn on for over a month......did I mention how I love finishing?

On Saturday, Rosemary brought her little puppy in that she had bought from Shelly. The puppy reminded me so much of Annie:

Sure makes it tempting to get another dog.....

Be sure to still enter your creative ways to use knitting needles that light! You don't have to be local to enter - we'll ship your prize if you win! Just e-mail me at:

Have a great day!

July 8, 2006

I don't know what's wrong with my brain lately. Last week I kept looking at next week's calendar. I had completely forgotten about my son's doctor's appt on Friday. 

Melissa had her two afghan clubs meet this week. I forgot my camera on Wednesday, so I didn't get that group. However, I managed to get Thursday's group:

Bev came by later that day and showed us the cute baby hat and socks that she had knitted for a gift. She also showed us her beautiful mobeius wrap:

Everyone loved her wrap made out of Feza Premier yarn. Melissa loved it so much that Bev sat down and had Melissa hooked immediately:

Bev was getting creative with hers. She's quite talented and much fun to be around! I'm thinking this is the perfect gift for a dear friend of mine. (You think I can have it done by Sept??) Be on the look-out for fun projects this fall with the mobeius!

Thursday evening, Clanci taught the beginning knitting class. As you can tell, we keep our classes limited to 4 people so there is more one-on-one time.

Now for the contest:
The contest will be open until Thursday at 5. As you probably know, we have received Clover's lighted knitting needles. Melissa said that she could knit in movie theaters (I'm not sure how others would feel about that...) I said that instead of lighters at concerts, you could just use a needle (like I go to any concerts).  So how would you use them? Let me hear your most creative, unusual use for them.  Just e-mail me your ideas at

Have a great weekend and hope to see you!

July 7, 2006

Good morning all,  Margaret went out of town this morning and her brain was five miles ahead of her.  She forgot that she was going to have a contest today.  So I got stuck writing her entry and informing you that it would be postponed until Tuesday.  I hope your day and weekend is a good one............

                                                    Take Care,



July 6, 2006

I hope everyone had a great 4th! I left the shop around 6:30 on Monday, went home, threw some clothes in a suitcase and we left for our place in the country near Perkins. My son and his friend had a great time shooting fireworks that evening. They went hiking the next day but it soon proved too hot to do much. They ran across a deer's hind leg and feathers from a goose where apparently coyotes or a mountain lion got it. The place is close to the Cimarron River and has a lot of wildlife. I worry about them being bait......

I got a chance to visit with my parents. I hadn't seen them for months. Surprisingly, I only live about an hour from my family; but rarely see them. Everyone is just too busy these days.....

On Monday, Barbara brought her felted purse that she made for her niece. Her niece, Maddy, was absolutely delighted. Maddy and her sister were picking out projects left and right for Barbara to do. lol

The store looks totally different. Everything has been re-arranged so it's everyone's guess where something is. lol  But things are getting better organized. Here's a look at the wooden shelves we moved:

I'm looking forward to August when new arrivals start appearing. Also, we are starting something new in August. Every week, we will be having a special menu. We will select one yarn and it will be on sale for that week only. We have something else planned for you in September also, but it's a secret for now. I promise you're going to like it.

Stay cool today. I hear the temp is suppose to be a little cooler - only the high 80s. It's surprising how 10 degrees can make such a big difference.

Stay tune tomorrow - I'm going to have a contest.


June 29, 2006

I spent the last two days in doctor's offices. I have the back of my alpaca sweater finished. How do people stand the office waits without knitting??

Lucy from Grand Junction, Colorado came by for some private tutoring. Lucy was here last summer visiting her grandmother and took a class. I've thought a lot about her this past year and was delighted when she paid us another visit this year!

Lucy was working on cables and various increases and decreases. She's getting ready to do an adult sweater!

Sharon came by and worked on her patriotic scarf. I forgot which number this is....

Peggy from Tulsa made her first-time appearance. She was a delight to be around! We hope to see her more!

I'm back to carrying Regia sock yarn! It used to be distributed by Knitting Fever and they decided not to carry it anymore. Finally, another vendor picked it up. I received one color of Regia Silk with many more on the way. Also, we will have all the new colors in Regia 4-ply. Regia has a new sock yarn coming out that is called Regia Bamboo. It's not at the wholesaler's yet, but we have an order in to receive several different shades.

Stay cool today!



June 27, 2006

Kay says she has trouble with "startitis". Well I have trouble with "finishitis".  I'm becoming close to finishing the Houndstooth purse -

Here I'm sewing the side to the front and back panel. So...since I was nearing the end of this project, my thoughts turned toward what would be next. I've had my eye on this pattern for a long time:

Liz was making it out of Plymouth's Baby Alpaca Grande and it was decadent to the touch. So I decided to start one after I finished the purse. Well, you know what happens when you buy a new project and it sits in its bag staring at you (and you can't help it - you stare back). After a couple of hours of staring at one another, you tell yourself that you will only knit a gauge sample. This way you get to feel the yarn and you'll feel good about yourself because you've done that dreaded swatch. So you do the swatch. Then you say, "Well, I'll go ahead and cast-on the stitches so it will be all ready to start knitting when I'm done with the purse." This lead to..."Oh, this yarn feels so yummy that maybe a few rows wouldn't hurt." which leads to...."Well, I can work on the purse tomorrow." and before you know're in the "finishitis" stage of your knitting.

The word "butter" comes to mind when I knit with this yarn. I would love an afghan knitted out of alpaca. 

Liz brought me and the employees a gift back from her travels:

It's a magnet from NeedleNoggins.  So we decided we needed some at the store. We received our shipment yesterday and they retail for $7.

It's a Monday and it feels like it also. Try to make the best of it!


June 23, 2006

The retreat has been scheduled for the weekend of October 6, 7, and 8th! We hope to have registration available on-line shortly, but for now call the shop!

June 22, 2006

I have a winner! Dr. Kevin was the first to guess that it is only a letter and doesn't stand for a name. (I guess it helped that he has patients with the same deal) I really thought someone would guess the car but they didn't. How did I get it?When I was in nursing school several years ago...(okay, decades ago), one of the students shortened my name to MG. Others picked it up and said I was like the MG sport car because my motor never stopped. lol  It makes it easier when writing notes etc. to write MG instead of the whole name.  On a funny note, we have a list at the store that we initial and date when we call a customer to let them know we have their order. The other day, Melissa said, "Who is MB?" lol

Colleen came in with a cute purse she made for her niece:

I just love how the Popcorn yarn that she added!

I finally remembered to bring the bib that I made from One Skein:

After I had it done, I noticed that I forgot to pick up a wrap. For those that know me, usually I would have ripped the sucker out, but this time I thought, "Oh well, I can show people what it looks like when you forget to pick up a wrap." lol Guess I'm getting lazy... If you like the One Skein book, you'll love some of the classes we are planning for this fall.

Better go for now. The contest was fun, maybe I'll start having one weekly.


I guess I better give another is not a formal name.

June 22, 2006

Contest is opened until noon. Keep those guesses far no one is even close.


okay...I didn't realize there were so many names beginning with G. lol I will give you another hint - it's not a female's name and it's not a maiden name, etc. Remember...think outside the box.


some of the guesses so far....Geraldine, Guinivere, Georgette, Grace, Georgia, and Gussie. Gussie???  Here's a hint...think outside the box.

June 21, 2006

Poor David. He returns from vacation with his family and discovers that he needs to get his remodeling done before the Yarn Harlot comes instead of the original date of Labor Day. I think he's hyperventilating a little.

I received a nice package yesterday:

My book vendor knew that I chose my son's 16th birthday over market (there is more than one market per year) Unbeknown to me, she got me autographed books at the show and mailed them with the following note: "Just because you didn't make it to the show, I decided to bring the show to you!" Was that sweet or not? She got the original uncorrected version of Amazing Crochet Lace. I think this book will be popular with the crocheters. Get Hooked is a great book for the child/teenage beginner. Other books were the Mason-Dixon Knitting, Nature Babies, and Knit Ponchos, Wraps, and Scarves. She also called me and told me all about everything including felted Pom-Pons. Felted Pom-Pons? Sounds intriguing. Felting is still hot for the fall. BTW, we will be having our felted purse contest again in Dec. - so start planning ahead.

Okay, people like games and I have one for you. Terri Derrick has been trying to figure out the "MG" letters. the first person who can guess correctly; they will receive one of our new tote bags. Just e-mail me your guess at  I'll announce the winner tomorrow.  I doubt seriously if anyone can figure it out, but give it a try!  lol

June 19, 2006

THE YARN HARLOT IS COMING TO TOWN! That's right, the Yarn Harlot is going to visit here on July 25, from 6-8pm. Susan Barrington and the Oklahoma City Knitting Guild has been instrumental in achieving this! She will give a speech at the Village Library and then proceed to Gourmet Yarns for a reception and book signing.  Seating is limited, so to reserve your spot, please call the shop. Also, if you want to preorder and pay for your book, I will give a 10% discount.

I would mention other news, but I imagine no one would pay any attention at this point. lol

June 17, 2006

I'm sitting here working - it's quiet; I'm listening to James Blunt, it's cloudy, cup of coffee by the keyboard -  yep, I'm happy at the moment. lol How did like that rain last night? I'm different than most people - I love rainy days. What I love even more is cold raining days.  I know...I know...I haven't lived in an area where it is cold and raining all the time.

Thursday night we had the sweater club. We (well, they) are working on the top-down baby raglan sweater. This sweater starts with short-rows. I think everyone had a headache by the end, but I'm confident on the next session that it will "click" with them. This is my favorite baby sweater pattern and I've made it countless times.  It's not too late to catch up if you want to join the next session. This sweater provides a lot of learning opportunities. Notice the girls aren't smiling a whole lot. lol

Janelle brought her felted purse in that was knitted with Cascade and Noro. She wouldn't allow me to take her pic. but gave her parental consent for the purse:

We recently received 8 bags of discontinued colors of Noro. Once they're gone - they won't be here again.

I've been having people ask me to show more of what I'm currently knitting. I'll try to remember.  Recently I played around with a slip-stitch pattern:

I've got some exciting news to announce on Monday. I can't hardly hold my tongue but I have promised the Oklahoma City Knitting Guild that I would wait until after their meeting on Sunday. If you want to hear it first from them; they meet this Sunday from 3-5pm at the Belle Isle Library.

For now, I'm enjoying the clouds!


June 15, 2006

Took my son and his friend to Dallas to celebrate his 16th birthday. I use to be envious of people who could knit in the vehicle. I have terrible motion sickness and even Dramamine didn't help. But then I tried those motion sickness wrist bands and they worked! Unbelievable. I really didn't expect it.

We finally got the Schaefer yarn in! Look at these beautiful hand-dyed silks..

Yep, candy for eyes and hands!

Schaefer yarns are hand dyed (well they call it "hand-painted") and the dyes they have left-over at the end of the day is used to dye sock yarn:

They tell me that they can't duplicate the colors and don't even bother asking. I can not order certain colors - I can just order so many hanks. I'm ready to drop the one sock I'm knitting and start a Schaefer sock instead!

Also, had some buttons arrive:

Jo Ellyn Wheeler was hired last week to teach some classes here. She will be starting in August with "The Next Step". This is a class geared for the knitter who has just finished the Beginning Knitting course.  She will have a class on Texture Stitches, Color, Decorative Elements, and Troubleshooting. All of these classes are brief introductions to various techniques. Jo Ellyn has had some of her patterns published in books and magazines and has some great ideas for future classes. Jo Ellyn enjoys lace knitting and will be having some classes for the lace knitters. She also does tatting!

Try to stay cool today!

June 9, 2006

We had a fun day yesterday. Melissa started a new group for the Afghan Club in the morning and then we had a large turn-out for Thursday afternoon knitting.  In the evening, we had to schedule an additional class for beginning knitting.  Of course, we had show'n tell which we love!

Kevin brought in two purses to show but one picture didn't turn out well. This is a picture of a purse using Plymouth's Outback wool.  We're always quoting Kevin around here. Whenever he sees a new pattern, he remarks, "I could never do that." and of course we tell him that he can and as you can see, he does quite well.  Now he's even into combining different patterns and changing them to suit him. But again, yesterday, we heard, "I could never do that."

It's hard to see the unique pattern of the yarn, but here's a close-up that might help:

Cheryl dropped by to show us her first creation. She picked up yarn to do another one. Yep, I think the bug is biting her. lol

We hadn't seen Joy for awhile and we were so glad when she dropped in for knitting. She finished her entrelac purse (we won't mention what she called it. lol). You can tell by the picture what a joy she is to be around.

She's so talented that she even lined her purse with zippered pockets! Everyone was envious of that!

I keep forgetting to mention new books and yarns that come in. So I'll just mention the latest. We are now starting to carry Jo Sharp and will be expanding her line. Also, we're carrying Super Taj Mahal by Plymouth Yarn. It's 70% Merino wool, 22% silk, and 8% cashmere. It's a worsted weight and 50 grams retails for $9.99. I can't wait to knit something out of it.   Artful Yarns came out with a metallic ribbon called Showstopper. We are carrying two different colors at present to see if customers like it. Melissa grabbed some right away so I guess that's a positive sign. lol

I hope to get the new schedule and newsletter out by next week. Most of the classes are already posted on the web but not all. I am currently interviewing teachers for the last quarter of the year. If you are interested, please contact me.

Well, I'm dragging my heels but I guess I better get back to work on the calendar/newsletter.

Turn the air conditioner down and knit away!


June 6, 2006

Judy Kelly brought in the lovely purple dress she knitted out of Classic Elite's Provence. I didn't get a chance to admire it very close because I was getting sick and didn't want to expose her plus I could tell that soon I would be too sick to be able to drive home. Thank goodness Susan was here to watch the shop.

Christy finished her very first felted purse.  I love the addition of the flower. The felting bug has bit her - she's already designing another purse!

Sharon showed us how she decided to use the Stars & Stripes sock yarn to do a scarf. We all liked how the fin and feather pattern made the yarn look like a flag waving in the breeze.

Saturday night, we had our monthly Knit-In and "Tea Party" was the theme. Terri got into the spirit by wearing an antique hat. Her hat was a hit. I asked her if she got looks while driving here and she admitted that she put it on outside in the parking lot. Smart girl. lol

Other pics of the Knit-In:

Jan was the winner of the food contest for her Pecan Tassies.

Kay won second for her decadent chocolate cake. Unfortunately the picture didn't turn out.

And last, a picture of Annie the last time she was in the shop. She cozied up next to Marjie while she was knitting. She would get so excited whenever I would mention going to "work".  She is greatly missed.

June 5, 2006

Sorry I haven't posted for almost a week. I was sick and out of the shop for 3 days.  I had all the intention of posting Saturday morning, but Annie passed away Friday night.  I'll be back to posting tomorrow. can read about the Knit-In on Susan's blog.

May 30, 2006


My friend, Susan and I use to escape from things twice a year by leaving town.  Once I opened a store, my free time came to a screeching halt. So this past weekend for the first time in over 2 years - we left Dodge. As with other knitters, we checked out the local yarn shop where we use to spend the whole day. However, after 30 minutes I was ready to go. This was what I was escaping  The break from things was great but now it's time to get back to reality. lol

David was busy (and I mean busy) while I was gone. He put up some wooden shelves, framed in a closet and knocked a big hole in the wall. Yep, that's right, we now have a centered entry into the back room. It has really opened up the store and should give us more room to expand.  He's really doing a great job! Just don't tell him I said so - I don't want him to become narcissistic.  I called on Saturday to check up on things and Kay was here and said that David had totally rearranged the office and things were in a big mess. It would not have surprised me one bit. lol There's a lot more work to be done though and I get excited thinking about the changes. 

Claudette came in last week with her latest baby project.  She knitted a baby blanket using Plymouth's Encore. If you remember, Claudette is the one that did the beautiful baby Christening gown on tiny needles. She's always a pleasure to be around.

A lot of people expressed regrets about not carrying Plymouth's Encore so I guess we will continue with it.

I have more to tell but guess I should get back to work..have a lot of catching up to do.  I've got July's calendar posted and I am almost finished with the links.

May 23, 2006

We had a great turn-out for the Knit-Wits last Friday! There were at least 15 people in attendance! People were a little shy and serious at first:

but it didn't take long for some to start enjoying themselves!

It's a great way to meet other knitters while doing something worthwhile. The Knit-Wits are about ready to make another delivery of blankets.

Well...I heard that Annie had some visitors and she wasn't here :-(   Annie has been in the dog house for past behavior but I guess it's about time to let her out. (also Sherri J. says I should)  So, I will give her another chance starting this Wednesday. We'll see how it

We received a shipment of books yesterday and have Knitted Flowers back in stock.  Felted flowers are being used as adornments on everything - clothes, purses, scarves, etc.  What a great way to use up scraps of yarn also.

I took the day off yesterday - well, let's put it a different way - I wasn't in the store yesterday so I guess I better go see what I need to take care of...I hope the Schaefer yarn came in....

May 18, 2006

One of the benefits of owning the blog....

I get to edit! lol  This is the top that I made using a pattern from Hot Knits and made out of Berroco's Touche. (looks like those arms have been spending a little too much time indoors)

Glenna came by with the purse that she made her mother:

She did a great job and I love the extra long tassels on the sides.

Sorry it's short today but I've got to run...



May 12, 2006

It's Show'N Tell time!

Cherri and her beautiful scarf:


Agnes made her son a scarf:

Mykah (on the right) is a new knitter and made two scarves! Her sister, Desiree, is helping her model them. Mykah is lucky to have a mother that can teach her.

Brooke came in with a lovely shrug. Brooke designs and knits for boutiques in town and also will do personal designing and knitting. She has done some very lovely creations.

Mary came in with the cutest little bags using a pattern from the
book, Pursenelaties.  Are those fun or what??? I think we need a class for
those! If interested, let me know and if I get enough people interested, we'll make one!


I got my shawl done using Feza Premier and it was a lot of fun. I didn't have to extend any brain power into wondering when to change yarns. That's always a plus!

Unfortunately, the shimmer in some of the yarns doesn't show in the picture. We're out of some of the colors but we have more on the way and this company delivers fast. I would like to try a scarf using a smaller needle. But first, I better get my Touche` shell done. Should be finished with that this weekend.

I had a picture of a beautiful woven scarf but unfortunately the picture was blurred.  Hopefully I will be able to get a clear shot sometime.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and you stop by to say, "Hi!"

May 10, 2006

We're starting to receive our new yarns....what fun! From Plymouth Yarns we received Outback Wool.


  I've seen a felted purse using this yarn and the colors
   came out in swirls.






I had a nice surprise visit from some wonderful folks from Texas:

There's nothing like a road trip! They were a delight to have in the store!

Also, on Friday, we received a fun new yarn from Feza called Premiere. A fun yarn that has many different yarns connected all into one ball. I'm busy knitting a shawl in it and hopefully will get a picture of it posted by tomorrow.

Of course, the biggest excitement this weekend was the Knit-In.  It was a packed house again and you wouldn't believe the incredible spread of food. The food judges were really stuffed sampling all the dishes. It was very hard to choose winners because every dish was a winning dish. However, they managed to decide and Cherri won first for her Black Bean Salsa recipe (made it last night and brought it to work. I'm trying not to eat it all by 10am).  Christy Wilson got second with her enchilada dish and Martha made delicious Mexcian Wedding cake cookies. I'm getting hungry all over again just thinking about it! Next month's theme is Tea Party. 

I had several more pictures but they were either blurred or caught someone with their mouth open. I decided to be nice for a change and not post them. lol

Until next time,  have fun!

I tried to post this yesterday but web host was having problems. Hopefully today it will work.....

May 5, 2006

I had a delightful time last night teaching my knitting class. I had two girls (sisters) in my class. I absolutely love teaching children. They don't have a complex coming in and just dive into it.  The girls came with their mother and you could tell the girls were in a race to "outdo" each other and especially Mom. lol  The girls caught on quickly and were always asking "to be shown more".  What a delight Hannah and Emma were!

Morgan had her beginning crochet class and everyone had a great time. Crocheting is a very useful tool for the knitter - makes quick edgings and trim.

Our store is beginning to look like we've gone felt purse crazy.....oh wait...I guess we have!  New yarns for felting  have been arriving this week. We are now carrying Di.Ve` Fiamma Stampato yarn. We received 4 new colors and this yarn just begs a person to hold it (just don't wipe your drool on it, please.) Fiamma looks a lot like Point 5 and felts nicely. It retails at $6.40 for 55 yards.

We got a shipment of Noro Silk Gardens in. You know how Noro're lucky to receive a bag. It's going fast and no telling when we'll receive more.

For the Kool-Aid dyers out there - we received a new yarn called "Eco Wool" by Cascade. It's an undyed natural wool. It's a big ball - 478 yards. Retails for $15/hank. We are also carrying natural brown colors.

Now for all of the need patterns! New to us - Noni. I think her patterns will be the new "buzz".

Don't forget - Knit-In tomorrow evening from 4-8pm.  Tell me why is it that the months go by so fast but the Knit-Ins seem so far apart???  I've heard some of the dishes that people are bringing and I'm going to save my appetite up......

Have a super day and weekend!

May 2, 2006

I bit the bullet....Channel 9 was here last Friday to do a segment on the Knit Wits and I felt ashamed from chickening out before and leaving Cheryl to do the talking. Bill, the camera man, set up the equipment and as soon as the lights were turned on to record, I felt like I was going to pass out. The interviewer asked what we do here.  Do here? A million and one thoughts ran through my head. Which one did they want? Peabrain asked. Oh yeah...duh...what the Knit Wits do. Okay.....mouth goes dry, right leg starts shaking.....hands are about to rip apart the blanket they are holding, feeling a little faint.......mind - blank.  My mother asked what I said and I don't have a clue. I remember nothing except being scared to death. After the interview, Joyce said I looked white as a ghost. Not surprising, I felt like I was going to die. Then I had to worry about what a fool I was going to look like on camera. Thank goodness, Channel 9 was kind enough to cut me and keep me from the embarrassment.  I thought the other Knit Wits looked great! I think Bill sensed how nervous most of us were because he treated us to a nice surprise:

Bill had a beautiful hand-carved flute that he played beautifully. Bill says that he doesn't know a note of music and plays by how the spirit moves him. However he does it - it was soothing indeed and I believe some color came back to my cheeks. He was such a nice person.

Later, when David dropped by after work and I mentioned how scared and white I got - he just laughed and wasn't very sympathetic. So I told him how much I spent with the sales rep that day and got to watch him turn white. lol  I've got some great stuff on the way and I'm like a kid waiting for Christmas. Now David better get busy building shelves...

Doc Kevin dropped by (the week just doesn't feel right if he doesn't make it in) and showed the latest purse he felted.

He told us of his plans for Christmas gifts. Whoa...he's going to be busy!

We are now carrying "Two Old Bags" felted patterns. Melissa and Kevin fought over the one copy of one pattern - Kevin won. We have many others and even more on the way!

Guess I better get ready to open. Hope to see you soon!

April 27, 2006 name is Margaret....and I'm a chicken.

That's right. Channel 25 was here to do a report on the Knit Wits and I bailed out of talking. Thank goodness Cheryl Melton and Janice Seagel had the courage and they did a great job! It was a very nice report that Fox 25 did and we've had several phone calls from people interested in donating yarn and/or their services. Thanks to everyone!

We received a shipment of the book, One Skein. These were being held for me by my vendor (sometimes it pays to be nice to vendors even when they mess up - they remember. lol). The publisher of the book is out and these are hard to get. I received only 5 and have only 1 left on the shelf.

Other new books that I haven't had the time to review -

Knitting Rules by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, YNotKnit by Jill and Susan Wolcott, Simple Knits for Cherished Babies by Erika Knight, and Module Magic by Ginger Luters.

More to tell but short of time, but this should be enough to keep the blog police at bay. lol


April 21, 2006

I've ordered new Opal colors! They are due to arrive shortly at  ptyarn (the distributor and then they'll ship to us. Can't wait...

We had a beginning knit class last night and sweater club.  Juanita finished her Savvy sweater and then started the toddler's dress.


Kay and Terri joined us for the first time and Terri seemed reluctant to have her picture taken:

Kay said that she would hold her still while I took the picture.
It worked!

The rest of the group behaved


Caught Jeff in the act of teaching beg. knitting:

This morning we had the volunteer group, Knit-Wits here making their lovely blankets for hospice. We were thrilled to see some new faces!

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend!

April 20, 2006

I'm so glad that the weather has cooled down!

Cori made a couple of Easter baskets for her granddaughters

and I think they were a hit!

I'm about half-finished on my Touche` top. I was hoping to have it finished by tomorrow but again, that was a grandiose thought!

Sweater club is tonight. We're wrapping up old projects and trying to decide on the next one. Cost of the class is only $5. Everyone is welcome to attend!

Take care!

April 18, 2006

I took a rare Saturday off and went to visit my daughter, son-in-law and grandsons:

When I got back, I found this waiting for me:

Trader Joe's chocolate from Terri Derrick! She's getting me addicted to this stuff. Thanks so much, Terri!

Emily finished her clutch from the Happy Hooker book:

This is the clutch that Morgan will be teaching in June. Emily did her clutch in Cascade 220. This is the second project that Emily has made out of the book. Great job, Em! (as you can see, Emily is an Episcopal priest)

We have received the books "Mason Dixon Knitting" and "Knitted Flowers".  They just came Friday and were already flying off the shelves. We also received the new murder-mysteries: "Needled to Death" and "Knit One Kill Two".

I had a sock class yesterday, even put my camera on the table so I wouldn't forget to take a picture. Well, guess what? As you can tell, there isn't a pic........

Guess I better remember to do a few things around here and get busy doing them!

Have a great day!


April 13, 2006

New Arrivals:

OPAL SOCK YARN: A beautiful sock yarn in 100 gram balls that retail for $16. Colors in this yarn are not always available. Apparently the manufacturer in Germany makes so many colors and ships them out. He may make more, he may not.  He has a new color coming out in May and we are on the list to receive it. Colors received yesterday are:

Rain Forest: Fish, Chameleon, and Parrot
Elements: #1077
Prisma: #1194
Dream Catcher: #1233

Berroco Boho Colors A self-striping yarn of 48% nylon, 25% cotton, and 27% rayon. Soft to the touch. 98 yards for $10.  I noticed that in Berroco's free pattern section is a purse made of Boho Colors named Layla. Looks pretty neat.

We also received more colors in Berroco's Cotton Twist and Louisa Harding's Impression. Melissa was teaching a class and it was interrupted with everyone oohhing and aaahing over the arrivals. lol  And talking about Louisa Harding -

Molly finished knitting the cover-up:

The pattern called for the cable to be off-centered. We thought it would look like a mistake so we took the liberty to center it.

Sandy finished her Louisa Harding shawl:

This shawl had "quiet" rows. You know....."Quiet. I'm counting." I only wish the pictures would do both garments justice.  I guess you'll just need to come in to see them!

Melissa had a full class in her new monthly afghan club. We have a waiting list for another day time class to start. If you are interested please call the shop. This is the afghan that Clancy designed.  A great fun way to learn cables and different Aran stitches. And socialize - I think that is one of the greatest thing about classes. The whole group went out for lunch afterwards. Wish I could have gone though....

Hope everyone is able to relax some today by knitting or crocheting!


April 11, 2006

New Arrivals:

Knit-Stick Packs in pink by Ashland Sky.  These bags are clear vinyl needle cases in a variety of sizes including double points, circulars and straights.  These bags are in pink because Ashland Sky donates a portion of its profits to breast cancer research and education.

Everyday Style by Carol Rasmussen Noble. Fourteen knit-and-purl patterns that the author has designed for comfort and ease of knitting.

And my favorite - new photos!

Twyla was the first to knit up the patriotic socks! I want a pair! And for a close-up:

Don't those look great?!


Katie modeled her sweater made out of Big Wool by Rowan. She did a great job and she'll be ready for winter next year!


Genie made this beautiful purse using a Pursenality pattern. She made it as a gift for a friend as a thank-you present.  Wow, I don't know what this friend did, but that's quite a thank-you!

I finished my crocheted shell top last week. As soon as I finish writing the pattern, I'll post a picture. Now the hard many patterns that are on that "to-knit" list. Which one does a person choose first? I narrowed it down to two, and finally decided to go with a pattern that I've eyed since last year. It's a sleeveless top with a simple cable running down the front from the book, "Hot Knits". (love that book) I'm going to make it out of Touche' in red.

It looks like another windy day here - what else is new, right?  Last week, we had a new transplant from California take a beginning knit class. She called early in the afternoon wondering if the class would be canceled because of the high winds. Our reply? Welcome to Oklahoma!

Have a great day!


April 7, 2006

This has a been a fun week...I've been under the weather with allergies and a cold.  Luckily, I was in the shop when Claudette came by with the lovely Christening set that she knitted.  The set was done in teeny, tiny stitches. This was truly a labor of love.


Evon, despite shoulder pain, has been busy knitting and felting Easter baskets.

Close-up of the pretty handle and decorations that she used:

New books:

The Essential Book of Crochet Techniques by Nancy Wiseman.  I think this book is actually better than her knitting technique book. Much information, nice clear illustrations and nice pictures.

Blankets, Hats, and Booties by Kristin Spurkland. Includes 10 knitted and 5 crochet baby sets. I think the Rose Leaf set is very pretty.

Crocheted Aran Sweaters and More Crocheted Aran Sweaters by Jane Snedden Peever.  These books sure make me wish I had more time to crochet. It's rare to find a nice man's crocheted sweater pattern, but you'll find one in More Crocheted Aran Sweaters.  These books will be finding a home on my shelves.  

The Pleasures of Knitting by Ann McCauley. Great book. I like how many of the sweaters are 3/4 sleeves.  The hard part would be deciding which one to knit first. Another book that I will add to my collection.

Saturday Sweaters by Doreen L. Marquart.  The caption is: Easy to Knit, Easy to Wear. If you are a beginner sweater knitter - you will like this book. These sweaters do not have armhole or sleeve shaping, therefore making knitting and assembly easier.

I hope the weather is better today and everyone has a great weekend!


April 2, 2006

I had to take my son to Ft. Worth to see the doctor on Friday. Sandy and Molly held down the fort here.  I think it was a little bit of a stressful day for them, but they made it through. Thanks to Melissa for dropping by and customers; Liz, Martha, and Katie that helped out.  Most of all..thanks to everyone for their patience and well wishes during this trying time.

There's nothing like a great Knit-In to put one back in a cheery mood:

It was fun to see the many projects that everyone is busy knitting or crocheting. A few critiqued the new book, "One Skein" and said they really liked it. I started the cute flower bib last night. 

Polly Black brought by the cutest baby hat! She incorporated several different yarns to make a unique gift!

Christy brought by 3 hats she knitted but unfortunately only two pictures turned out. I must not be holding the camera steady because I'm having trouble with blurry pictures. 


Finally got a picture of the baby/toddler's dress that we have listed as a class. If you need a quick, easy gift for someone - this is it. However, it does require knowledge of crochet for the border. Of course, you could always add a different knitted trim.

It made with Berroco's Cotton Twist yarn.

Fritz, Christy Nash's dog, is very lucky. Not only does his owner knit him a sweater, but she adds a pocket! He can stash all sorts of treats in there!

Well, daylight's savings time started today and I already feel like I've lost half a day instead of only one hour.

Take care...

January-March 2006 Blog Archives

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