March 5, 2007

Busy weekend and I loved every minute! I came up with a new strategy - I wore my camera around my neck so I could take more pictures! It worked! So be prepared......

We received Claudia Handpaint sock yarn on Friday afternoon and everyone loved it! We also are carrying KnitWhits knitting kits. Presently we have the children's sock and cute, cute hats.

Saturday morning started off with a sock class:

We had quite a few ready to finish their toes. So the happy graduates are:

Gwenda and her sock knitted out of Regia.

Laura and her sock knitted out of Encore.

Renee and her sock knitted out of Opal.

Melodie with her sock knitted out of Schaefer's Lola. (notice Renee in the background winding yarn for another pair!

Carolyn came by and showed the sweater she finished. It was knitted out of Gatsby.

As I mentioned the other day, I finished my sleeveless top knitted out of Schaefer's Laurel cotton. Fast, fun pattern.

Saturday evening we had the Knit-In. It was a blast as always. And food? Well, there's always the food....

And there's still another table with desserts!  As always, we give out prizes for favorites. I'm always glad I don't have to make the decision...I leave that to others.

Amanda won 3rd place for her cream cheese cake. She states this is her first cake.

Congratulations, Amanda, on your first try!

Marjie won second for her lettuce/fruit salad:

And Carol, a newcomer to knitting, won first for her chicken/noodle dish:

We decided to play a game for prizes so others would have a chance to win something.  Random numbers were chosen to decide who would get to play:

Oh dear...2 out of the 3 players won a prize for their dishes. I guess it was really their lucky night!

Marjie got stuck with everyone's favorite yarn but it had a $15 dollar gift certificate stuck inside:

Sherri had two projects that she had finished since the last Knit-In:

A skull cap for her son, whose school mascot are the Pirates. Also she knitted a clapotis:

Bev knitted her dog a dog sweater out of Encore:

Some random shots from the evening:

Hey, Lou, what's inside that cup???

Sherri and Jennifer modeled their....umm...what's the plural of clapotis? Clapoti??  btw, I think Sherri was sitting too close to that wine box....

And last, but certainly, not least.....the Problem Child of the month:

Jan hands the trophy over to Sherri.


March 2, 2007

Is everyone gearing up for the weekend and the KNIT-IN????  Don't forget - the Knit-In is tomorrow from 4-8pm.  We never know what the entertainment is going to be so you'll just have to attend to find out!  Remember we don't tell everything that happens at the Knit-In. lol

Liz started a sock a week ago and had this to show at Sock Club:

Liz, you could have double points thrown at you by the others for being such a whiz! lol (I guess I better not mention that she even finished other projects....) Liz is a jewel to have around. She helps customers with projects and knits a lot of our displays. I received a letter recently from a woman in Texas singing Liz's and Sandy's praises. I guess she stopped in on her way through town needing help with a project she was working on and Liz and Sandy got her back on track.  I am so very fortunate in the staff I have and yesterday we celebrated having Sandy here for one year:

Here's Sandy with her honey, Ron.  They are such a very nice pair. "Salt of the Earth", we say around here.

Juanita came to Sweater Club and showed us the Kathleen purse she finished from the purse class:

The Sweater Club is a great group - I love how they gang up on me and do paybacks........although man, sometimes they can be mean! lol

Sandy finished a shawl for the shop made out of Schaefer's Laurel Cotton:

I finished my cotton top and have started on my favorite type of knitting, Fair Isle, to do this:

It's been awhile since I've got to do Fair Isle and am having to get back in the groove knitting two-handed but it's a lot of fun!

Sara finished knitting a pair of Gloves out of Regia:

She is teaching a class on these. Hopefully, the newsletter and calendar will be out by Monday for April-July!

The contest for the caption picture is still open.  So enter! It will be open until next week.

Take care and enjoy your day! Hope to see you at the Knit-In! I've got some surprises in store and no it's not me singing....