Pat's Felted Bag




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Learn  to knit this wonderful random-striped tote designed by one of our customers.  It is a good first project for knitting in the round and the bag is large enough to carry your knitting projects or even for use during a quick stop at the grocery store. Can be knit in stripes as designed by Pat or your own design, or even in solids

Skill Level:  Beginner.  Must know how to cast on, knit and purl.  You will learn how to knit in the round and change colors.

Supplies:  1 skein Cascade Pastaza  006 (Gray), 1 skein Montera 3843 (Reddish Brown),  1 skein Cascade Pastaza 008 (Black), 1 skein Montera 3840 (Light Green) or Pastaza 008 (Green), 1 skein Cascade Pastaza 045 (Green) or Montera 3843 (Green), 1 skein Cascade Pastaza 004 (Tan),1 skein Cascade Pastaza 046 (Brown) or  your choice of colors in comparable amounts in Lamb's Pride Bulky or Cascade Eco Wool

US size 11 24� circular needles and 1 set US size 11 double-pointed needles

To register call 405-286-3737

Can't make the class? We will gladly ship a pattern or kit for you. For info call 405-286-3737.

Class Fee
 $15+ Supplies.