February 24, 2007
Boy, how do you like this wind??? My eyes feel like they're full of grit and by the looks of the air - I guess they are.
Had several classes last week, but as usual forgot to take many
pictures. However, I did manage one of the Weekday Sock Club. Pam is an
accomplished sock knitter but was in to visit hoping to recruit others
to the Sock Club lol. It was decided that we would combine the
Sock Club and the beginning class and everyone would work on the pattern
of their choice. It was a great group and we had a good time
visiting and learning new skills.
left to right: Jan, Renee, Pam, and Lena.
Everyone loves the J-Knits sock yarn. The color, Oklahoma, is sold out but we have more on the way plus many state colors that will be new to us. Mountain Colors sent a shipment out last week so hopefully that will arrive early next week. And talking about socks.....
Our very own, Kevin, has recently become addicted to socks. He
recently took the toe-up sock class and last week learned short-row
heels. Kevin has decided that he likes the garter-stitch heel.
Kevin was in today knitting and all of sudden we heard this blood
curdling scream. I looked over and this is what I saw:
What could be wrong???? These pictures will go up on our
bulletin board (yep, the fridge) and I need captions. Surely there are
creative people out there that can provide one. So.......a tote bag to
the winner(s) that create the best captions.
Have a great weekend and don't blow away!
February 21, 2007
I did a little philosophical thinking on my way to work this morning. I noticed a woman's car was stalled at the intersection in the left-turn lane. Two men got out of their vehicles and pushed the woman's car through the intersection and into a parking lot. Acts of kindness like this make an impression on me. This in turn got me to thinking about getting older. Getting older does amazing things on how we look at life. On one hand, we're less tolerant of things. We've learned that life is short and tough. It's tough enough getting through the hard times that we have no choice but to endure; that we're not very tolerant of those who bring negativity into our lives. We tend to learn, "Hey! I don't have to put up with that!" Then there's the other hand that makes us see the beauty in simple things that we may have overlooked in our youth. I don't wish to go through youth again. It's tough learning life's lessons. To discovering that we're not as smart as we thought we were and we've made the mistakes to prove it. lol I've learned to relish simple things in life like drinking a cup of coffee and how very precious life can be.
And talk about bringing pleasure into lives - the Knit Whits met
last Friday to do some knitting and crocheting:
And to survive life - we have to have some fun! That's what knitting/crocheting is all about. Surrounding ourselves with nice yarns that brings pleasure to our senses and seeing how we can manipulate string into something beautiful!
Kim came by and showed us a baby gift that she had knitted:
Knitted out of Plymouth's Heaven. We loved the way she gift-wrapped it!
Evon finished her moebius made out of Plymouth's Patches:
Eva came by and showed her latest felted purse:
We are now carrying Fiesta yarns! Such beautiful colors! The
owners of Fiesta are such very nice people also! David and I enjoyed our
visit with them at market.
We received another shipment of "Lace Style" and "25 Beautiful
Socks". New books that have arrived:
Top Dog Knits by Jill Eaton.
Knit It! Felt It! Plymouth's new felting book with over 60
designs. I really like one of the baskets.
Weekend Knitting. Over 50 projects and ideas.
We have a new employee! Nancy has joined our staff and we are
delighted to have her! Nancy will be filling in when the other employees
or I need a day off. Nancy is a very interesting person! She is a
retired Lt. Colonel and recently moved here from Costa Rica. I love
hearing her stories. Of course, her nickname is "Colonel". lol
She should be able to handle David and keep the rest of us in line! lol
Welcome, Nancy!
I better get ready to open the doors and teach socks this morning!
Have a great day!
February 15, 2007
The shipments of new yarns keep rolling
J-Knits sock yarn! Different colorways are named after states or cities.
There's another yarn company that does this with their ribbon. Get this
- both companies use pink as Oklahoma's color:
I'm trying to figure this one out since the state's colors are
officially green and white. Anyone have a clue?
We also received all 15 colors of TOFUtsies:
TOFUtsies are 50% Superwash wool, 25% soysilk, 22.5% cotton, and 2.5%
Chitin (fiber from shrimp and crab shells). They say the Chitin is
naturally antibacterial. I'm trying to figure this one out since I have
had the experience of having old shrimp and crab shells in the trash.
Also, with the name I would expect them to be made out of TOFU, but
apparently it's suppose to stand for toe-foot-sies. The colors are great
and it feels good. Of course I had to see if I could smell anything
fishy. lol
We also are now carrying all three yarn lines from the new Vicki Howell collection. The line includes Craft: 65% organic cotton and 35% milk fiber. Rock: 40% Soysilk, 30% wool, and 30% hemp. Love: 70% bamboo, 30% silk. There's little pattern support at present but the company is taking submissions for patterns. If you are interested - let me know and I'll pass the info along.
Have a great day and if you're in the area this afternoon - come
join the Black Sheep Social gathering!
February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!! Hope you have a great day! Today will be pretty normal for me - I don't like the hustle, bustle of a busy restaurant. I baked lasagna last night so I wouldn't have to cook tonight. I tried Katie's "Easy Beef and Spinach Lasagna" out of our cookbook. Even though the dish is for tonight, I couldn't help but sample some last night. It was good! I will definitely be making this over and over. I love the fact that I didn't have to do a bunch of layering. Give it a try!
Susan was busy yesterday checking in our new line of Manos Del
Uruguay's Cotton Stria and their wool:
Kay - Susan says that the yarn definitely passed the "squeezed" test.
lol Susan was really fondly the cotton. I could see wheels turning
in her head and I suspect she'll be making something out of it soon.
We received our shipment of Qiviut but still waiting on the
patterns. We are carrying the following colors:
Qiviut is the Inuvialuit word for Down: the fine, inner, insulating
blanket of the Canadian Artic Muskox. Qiviuk is considered the softest,
warmest and most luxurious fiber in the world.
Erica dropped by with her felted purse:
Okay - get this. Erica was in our beginning class just this month. In
fact, just finished the series that Sara taught last Saturday. Well, I
was speechless when she showed it to me!
Eva and her husband modeled the hat and scarf that Eva knitted:
The hat is Jack's Cabled Hat pattern knitted out of Cascade 220
Superwash. Eva's scarf is the Easy Cable Scarf pattern knitted out of
Plymouth's Baby Alpaca Grande. Evan and her husband are adopting a baby
boy and she was excitedly looking at baby yarn. Congratulations!
I've been working on a sleeveless summer top using Schaefer's Hand
Painted cotton yarn called "Laurel" in the Helen Hayes colorway using
their Sampler Sweater pattern:
This has been a fast, fun knit. So far I would recommend this to an
beginner. The armhole didn't require much shaping and it's a great way
to learn different stitches.
Enjoy the snow while it lasts and enjoy the day!
February 9, 2007
The Black Sheep had their gathering
yesterday and the sheep even had their guard dog:
That's Nina's dog, Linen. Linen loves all the attention that she
garnishes here. lol
New store arrivals:
We received the much awaited book, "Lacy Style", by Interweave:
Also, Opal yarn just released their new Rain Forest line and we received every colorway. Check out the colors on their website: /www.ptyarn.com/newrainforest.html
Also, we finally we received our new Qiviut yarn! So soft and beautiful!
Sorry this post is short but I've got a family emergency and need to get ready to leave town.
Have a great day!
February 6, 2007
Whew! What a great time we had Saturday
night! We were jam-packed! I lost count at 36. There's always much
laughter and of course, food.
That's Terri being her usual shy self. Yeah...right. lol Terri and
Beverly entertained us with their singing of Snowklahoma. There was
murmuring afterwards that the talent agents would soon be after them. Of
course, if I recall right - it was only Terri's and Bev's voices doing
the murmuring. lol
Let it be known that if you're one to play jokes then you have to
be sure to receive them because it's bound to happen.....and happen it
did. First, Jan got up and presented me with several birthday presents.
She spent much time and creativity on this. One of the presents was a
mug that said, "The Queen's Mug". Even though I feel far from this; I
showed it to David and said, "See this?? Queen. See?? The Queen.
I want to make sure you see this. See?" He shrugged and said, "Sure, I
see. You can be anything you want; just get back to work." Well, I guess
it didn't hurt to try. lol Jan also gave me a bottle wine.
However, I guess she had to sample it somewhere along the way because
there was only about an inch of wine in the bottle. Now, wasn't
that sweet of her to make sure it was drinkable??? Is it any wonder that
she gets the Problem Child award for the month?
Hmmm...notice she's still acting possessive of that wine?
I don't have a picture of it but several went together and got me a great big bag of my favorite yarn. You know? The good old Rad Haut kind. Thanks, guys, I'll make sure it finds a good home somewhere...
Anita won the prize for the contest last week and received a tote
from Knitter's:
Carolyn won honorable mention for her wise crack about bags and
therefore, received one:
You know one thing I like about getting older? You've experienced life
more and realize what is important and therefore, you learn not to take
the small stuff seriously and how some situations aren't worth putting
up with and so you just laugh at the foolishness and go on....
Linda won third prize for her decadent chocolate cake. (and boy,
do I mean chocolate!)
Tracy received second for her apple pie. Tracy offered me some to
take home and I took a slice home to my son which he dearly loved!
Lou won first place for her rice casserole:
Don't think you have to cook/bake something to attend the Knit-In. You
may call ahead and we can tell you what we may need that night such as
paper goods, drinks, ice or something else. Also, store bought food is
just fine.
Jennifer modeled Sherri's moebius that she started at the Fall
Retreat. Okay...let me back up. Sherri came in last week with her
moebius done. However, we quickly dubbed it the friendship moebius
because it could have fit around 5 people. Somewhere between my
explanation on how to count the stitches and Sherri's ear, the
communication got mixed up. We ripped it out and she quickly knitted
another one:
Mei has already knitted her second pair of socks. Second pair in
one month??? Wow..
Marjie showed us her afghan that she knitted out of Plymouth's
Jelli Beenz yarn for her soon-to-be grandchild. Marjie has kindly loaned
it to the shop for display for the next couple of months:
Kathy came in Saturday and found some buffalo yarn that she just
had to take home with her:
Well, I hope the blog goes through this time. I've had trouble for weeks that as soon as I got the blog written then I would lose internet connection even though I'm on cable. Well, I got a new modem yesterday and spent 45 minutes doing the blog this morning only to have the website host down when I went to publish. Now, why couldn't it have done that before I got on and did all of my work? lol
February 3, 2007
It's Knit-In day!! Thank goodness the weathermen were incorrect in their forecast of a lot of snow today. If you haven't attended a Knit-In before; try to come! You're in for a treat and I mean that literally. The food is always awesome! It's all that David has been talking about for the last several days. lol The Knit-In is from 4pm-8pm. Bring a snack to share and get ready to have a fun time with likewise minds.
On Thursday morning, Melissa had her afghan club class:
They always have a lot of fun and a delight to be around.
Ellen bought a big hank of Cherry Tree's Oceania:
Ellen says she's going to make a scarf. Hmm...I hope she has enough
yardage. lol She added that she plans to make around 5 scarves.
Boy, that was one big hank to wind! It was small so kept pulling the
swift downward. Poor Susan was getting a little dizzy holding it in
Devin dropped by for some help on a scarf and showed us one that
she had finished with Schaefer's Miss Priss:
Beautiful scarf, Devin!
Jackie made a scarf out of the book, The Knitter's Bible
Knitted Accessories, using Noro. I had my eye on this scarf also so
I was excited to see it knitted:
I think this would make a great class. What do you think? If there's
enough interest; we'll do it!
New shipments:
Bamboo is the hot new yarn for summer and we received 6 different colors
of Plymouth's Royal Bamboo: (not all colors shown)
Also a new supply of buttons. I just love the whimsical little
sheep and the frogs with eyes that move.
Now to the winner of the contest. I picked Anita's answer. Remember the quiz was for the most whimsical answer to the question, "Do you sell good yarn?". Anita's response was: "Sorry, Ma'am, but we can't be responsible for the behavior of our yarn." lol Love it! However, there was another response that really had me roaring with laughter but not everyone would get the joke. If you are a member of the guild then you will probably get it. Carolyn's response was: "Yes, not only do we have a lot of good yarn but we also have a lot of Bags." Carolyn will receive an honorable mention gift for this one!
Hope to see you tonight!
February 1, 2007
It's snowing! It may be a hassle to drive in but you have to admit that snow is definitely pretty coming down. Late yesterday afternoon, I was at an appt. and the place was playing a local radio station. The radio stations encouraged drivers to call and report road conditions. They went something like this: "I'm on 44 and it's veerrryy dangerous. It's an ice rink out here and wrecks are everywhere." I kept thinking that if it's so dangerous then why are they making phone calls instead of paying attention to their driving? Furthermore, why were radio stations encouraging this? I just hope they at least had earpieces.
Anyone and everyone who has ever worked in retail knows that
sometimes you get asked some pretty interesting questions. Sometimes
it's really hard to keep your cool or not laugh at the question.
Some people will say they are going to ask a stupid question and it's a
question about knitting. I never think it's a stupid question when you
don't understand something. Every single knitter started off not knowing
a thing. No..that's not what I'm talking about. We get asked two main
questions here all the time. One is: "Do you sell yarn?" Okay...I can
understand that somewhat even though yarn is in our name. But our all
time favorite is: "Do you sell good yarn?" I know what the person
is getting at and what they're wanting to know. They're just not
thinking about what they are actually asking because even if we were an
acrylic-only place; I don't think we would answer that we only sell
crappy yarn." We have had fun with making up various answers to that
one. So, it's a snowy day, let's have some fun. To the person that comes
up with the answer that makes me laugh the most:
You receive a free "Knitter's" tote from Knitting Universe. E-mail
me at mggourmet@coxinet.net
or give the shop a call. I'll announce the winner on Saturday.
Great day for stitching!
January 31, 2007
We continue to get new stuff from market
arriving! I love these baskets:
These arrived last Thursday and I put them out for sale on Saturday. I
had some short round ones but they are already gone so I'm unable to
show them. However, I've got more ordered and this company is pretty
quick on delivery!
A laceweight merino wool from Lane Borgosesia:
Great feel. Great price. 1460 yards for $14. We have received 3 colors
and have several on back-order.
New books from Interweave:
And something that would be great for retreats:
Seat cushions with pockets that fold up into a neat little carrying
Tuesdays are usually quieter here than other days so I started to
become a little suspicious when the backroom started to look like this:
Then David brought out this:
David, Melissa, Sandy, Susan, and several customers had gone together to
throw me a surprise birthday party!
Pat brought me lovely flowers:
and Claudia gave me a lovely plaque with the Irish blessing.
Several went together and got me a very generous gift certificate to a
local kitchen/china store. Oh boy!!! I'm like a kid at Christmas!! I
don't see how I deserve this but I'm sure going to enjoy it! In fact,
maybe I can sneak out for a little bit today.....
I'm not good at composition (well, I guess that's no surprise to
anyone!) so I find it very hard to put into words how much this touches
me. I visit often with other retail owners and I'm always impressed with
how fortunate I am with my customers. By and large, knitters/crocheters
are a friendly group. When I started this store, I was hoping to find a
way at my age (and with my poor memory lol) to have a career and still
take care of an ill son. No way could I have ever dreamed that I would
meet such a wonderful caring group of people that mean a lot to me. And
what's wonderful - that group continues to grow! And what's even better
- the friendships that have been formed among the customers! Yes,
knitters/crocheters tend to be a caring group that takes care of one
I hope everyone gets some stitching time today! I love this weather!!!
January 30, 2007
Saturday was a busy day here! I had the
Schaefer Felted Circular Purse class:
The students learned to do short-rows using wraps and then picking up
the wraps.
Clanci had a couple of her afghan club students:
Sara had beginning knitting class in the morning and the mittens
class in the afternoon:
They were pretty good knitters so they probably could have jumped to
part II of the mittens. Notice this group had some of the "Problem
I had the moebius class in the afternoon:
This class is not for the faint-of-heart. lol We had a group of
knitters hanging out in the back:
Kevin was on call and since Baptist Hospital is close by; he cooled his
heels here between calls. The moebius class decided that if Kevin
attended the Knit-Ins; he would get the "Problem Child" award this
month! I'm surprised he's not walking around with a knitting needle
sticking out of his back! lol
We had some Show 'N Tell:
Amy dropped in for some more yarn and showed us her hat that she knitted
in Karaoke:
She also knitted one in Plymouth's new Boku yarn:
Amy bought her sweater in a department store but the sleeves were too
long and she wanted 3/4ths length. So...she ripped the sleeves back and
then picked up the stitches and finished the edge. Way to go, Amy!
Karen attended the mitten class and brought her Noro afghan to
Absolutely gorgeous, Karen!
Marjie didn't want to model her Schaefer scarf and hat so Susan
got volunteered for the job:
The scarf was made out of Schaefer's Ladder Stitch scarf kit. Marjie had
enough left-over yarn to knit a hat! Miss Priss does have great yardage!
Debbie drove down from Perry to get some yarn and show us the
first pair of socks that she knitted:
Debbie had so much fun knitting these that she has already started
another pair:
Yep, you're addicted, Debbie!
This is the second time that I did the blog this morning! After I finished it the first time, I got knocked off the internet! Grr...
I have many new things to post and hope to get the pictures up in the next day or two!
January 24, 2007
New yarns are starting to arrive and I
just had to sneak into my office and write about it! We are now carrying
Cherry Tree Hill yarns! Of course I couldn't resist getting a lot of the
sock yarn:
These are their "one-of-a-kind" colorways. These are colorways
that they have made using up dye at the end of the day. By the
looks of the pile, blue must be their best selling color. We
received 50 hanks and one hank does a pair of socks. Plus...you get this
free pattern with purchase of the Supersock yarn.
Many of you may be familiar with the book, "Lavish Lace".
It was written by Cheryl Potter, owner of Cherry Tree Hill, and all of
our copies are autographed by Cheryl. We also have yarn kits
available for each pattern in the book.
Okay, if you were me at market - could you resist this yarn?
Cascade Silk by Cherry Tree Hill. This yarn is definitely eye candy. One
of the patterns for this yarn is the lovely Autumn Grace shawl:
If you want a boucle for a large project and didn't want ends to
weave in; then this yarn is for you:
It's 100% wool boucle with a strand of lurex glitter running throughout.
400grams/1440 yards and retails for $66.
As many of you know, Blue Heron rayon/metallic has been popular
for making the clapotis. We received new spring colors:
Melissa is planning to do a shell and I would like one also. I finally
came to the decision last week that I'm just going to have to give up on
most of my winter projects and start on my spring/summer in order to get
them displayed in time for all of you to see and have time left for you
to get them done. So I've been knitting with cotton lately when I'd
rather be knitting alpaca....well, I am still able to knit
once-in-awhile on the alpaca throw which is now at the shop so I get a
little bit of my fix. ;-)
Maybe some of your have heard various yarn shops complain about
service from a certain company. So many of us were quite thrilled when
Plymouth came out with Boku:
We have all six of their colors and it's great for felting.
Oops....I think Bulldog is needing some help so I better go!
January 22, 2007
Finally the kids are back in school! I'm sure there are a lot of moms dancing a jig this morning!
We cancelled all of our classes for Saturday, so naturally the bad weather never came. A lot of people have been in the store with the exclamation that they were tired of being cooped up at home. One thing about the weather - it has allowed for a lot of knit time and a chance to wear those warm knitted hats and gloves. If you're like most knitters though - everyone owns a knitted hat but you! I don't know why, but the majority of knitters knit for others. Is it because it's a knitted item out of love? Lessens our guilt on spending money on yarn? Both? I've asked myself that question without any clear answers. Sometimes it's because someone has asked me to knit them something. Sometimes it's for a special gift. Which I think is the answer most of the time. We all want the gift recipient to think our gift is special (well, unless we can't stand the person. lol) People can shop for hours or days to find a perfect gift. For a knitter/crocheter - the perfect gift is right at our fingertips. We can custom make a gift that can not be bought off the shelf. What better way to say, "You're Special"?
And talk about knitted gifts - Kevin has made tons of knitted
items for recipients since he picked up needles about two years ago.
Last Thursday during the Black Sheep gathering, he did his first
kitchener toes on a pair of socks:
The yarn is "Lola" by Schaefer. Great job, Kevin!
Several people have asked about the Black Sheep. The group was started by a small group of women that had met in the store. They decided they wanted to meet and knit in the store and Thursday afternoon was the most convenient for them. The group only consisted of 3 or 4 at the time. (two have since moved and we miss them! Hi, Kelly and Pat!) Soon others started dropping in and joining in on the fun. One day, they (not I) decided to call it the Black Sheep gathering. The Black Sheep gathering is the equivalent of the Saturday Knit-In. It's open to anyone and everyone! It meets every Thursday afternoon from around 1pm to whenever. There aren't any set times and attendees come and go all afternoon. Food isn't required like at the Knit-In but it's certainly not discouraged! lol Come join us if you can!
Sherry was in the beginning class last month and she is already
making hats! Here's her son, Gage, modeling the cutest little hat made
out of Miss Priss by Schaefer:
Is he adorable or what?! Too bad Candi Jensen couldn't have met him. He
looks like he belongs in one of her books!
Betty brought by her latest afghan that she is crocheting out of
some of our alpaca yarn:
Can you believe she's done that much and still hasn't used a full cone
of yarn? She loves the fact that she won't have many ends to weave in. I
think the crochet bug has bitten her since she picked out yarn to do
another one. Btw, Betty picked out a stitch pattern in a book and
figured out her own afghan pattern. She's also had fun trying out
different pattern stitches for her next afghan.
Marjie showed us her Schaefer scarf out from their scarf kit. I
don't know if you can tell much from this picture but the scarf is made
from two different colorways - usually one multi and one solid. It's a
simple slip-stitch pattern that creates the slip stitch in one color on
one side and the slip stitch in the other color on the other side. We're
expecting a shipment of more kits this week.
Rosemary finished her black shawl and it's gorgeous. I'm always
amazed at how fast Rosemary accomplishes things. This would have taken
me a year!
And she did it in black!! Yep, she's young and with good eyes! lol
Absolutely beautiful, Rosemary!
Ellen dropped in last Thursday evening and was wearing her
Mountain Colors vest that she knitted:
It was very pretty and she did a wonderful job of knitting it! However,
her dog, Sparkie, was soon stealing the show! He's a social animal all
right - he was so excited to meet everyone!
Sandy's husband, Ron, drove her to work on Saturday and he was wearing
his Miss Priss scarf and hat that Sandy had knitted:
It's my day off from the store and I'm really going to take it today.
Believe it or not, I still have Christmas decorations up and a pile of
chores to do here at home. Hope to get some knitting accomplished also!
Take care!
January 17, 2007
Well, I have tried several times to get
the blog done but have been swamped with catch-up around here. Several
have e-mailed me to ask how market went. However, I think things were
more exciting around here than anything that happened in San Diego.
At 3am on Friday, Jan. 12, I was cursing
the person that decided to change our flight to San Diego from 9:30am to
6am. However, it turned out that I did something smart for a
change. I guess we had quite a storm here and the airport closed shortly
after our flight. We had to de-ice in Denver but all the flights went
smoothly. We arrived in San Diego around 10am and we were starved for
lunch but it was still breakfast their time. Friday was going to be the
only day that we would have time for any sight-seeing so we decided we
would take the trolley down to Mexico and eat a good Mexican dinner down
We hopped on the trolley and got to ride through downtown stopping
on what seemed every block. Finally we made it to Mexico and boy, was it
cold!! We walked across the bridge into Mexico and we were freezing and
starving. So where was the first place we stopped? Why...McDonald's.
That's right. My first trip to Mexico and I eat at McDonald's. *sigh*
After eating, we did the touristy thing and shopped.
I was greatly disappointed. Prices were high and it was mainly junk and
no....I didn't get a tattoo. I would have to be passed out from
margaritas to subject myself to needles! We did manage to eat at a
Mexican restaurant before we left. Again I was disappointed. We have
better food right here. It was late when we made it back - getting back
in the United States took about 3 hours. A big chunk of the weekend
spent waiting in line.
The next morning, David and I had a fun time trying to figure out
the trolley system. There were two tracks and you would think one would
be for southbound and the other for the northbound. But no...
they can go around in circles. We were trying to find our way to the
convention center and realized that our trolley was heading to Mexico.
We got off at the next stop and asked some security guys which trolley
to take. Turned out one of the guys was from Norman and we had to visit
for awhile. The security guys pointed out a building across the street
and told us to go there and take the blue line to the convention center.
Easy enough. We hiked over and both sides of the tracks said "blue line"
and "orange line". Which was which? Soon we saw a trolley coming
and it said, "blue line"; so we hopped on. We went around a corner and
was right back where we were. We got off and tried to sneak past the
security guys but they saw us and I thought they were going to roll on
the ground laughing at us! Hmph! We just hiked the rest of way. lol
By Sunday, we finally figured the darn system out just in time to leave.
On to the market part....it was obvious that hand-paint yarn is
the hot trend right now and boy, we've got plenty coming in. I'll be
introducing them as they com in the door. I will let you know that
we are receiving buffalo yarn and this:
Qiviuk. This stuff is so soft and comes in different colors. Can't wait
to knit with it. Everyone thinks market is a lot of fun but let me
tell you - it's work and boy, do your feet get sore! After awhile, it
seems like one booth looks like another one. We attended a fashion show
and David was disappointed that there weren't any knit bikinis modeled.
Sorry, David...better luck next time....
I did bring back some hand-carved shawl pins. Jean came in the
store yesterday and she kindly modeled them for me:
She decided the brown one was perfect for her shawl:
They retail for $9 each.
I had some Show 'n Tell before I left:
This is Mei's (pronounced May) sock. She took my beginning sock class.
Okay...let me explain a little more. She took the first sock class. I
went over getting your gauge and measuring your foot to get your number
of cast-ons. The students casted-on for their cuffs. This was a
Saturday. The next thing I knew...I get an e-mail from Mei with a
picture of her finished sock!! Not only that...but she included a
computer program where you input your gauge and foot measurement and it
calculates everything else for you!! Mei is something else!
Martha, Barb, and Nancy were knitting with Miss Priss the other
day. It just so happened that they were all using the same colorway but
different size needles and patterns. It was interesting to see the
different results:
Melissa and I had just the cutest and friendliest little customer the
other day:
That's Bandi with her mommy, Sandra. Is she a doll or what?
If you're scheduled for a class this weekend - it may be rescheduled. I'm waiting to see what the weather guys say tomorrow but it's not looking good. It's also starting to look like the kids might not have a summer off this year! Perfect weather for knitting/crocheting though!
Be careful out there!
January 11, 2007
We received a Schaefer shipment on Tuesday! People are gobbling it up and we're placing another order today. If you're wanting yarn for the Kathleen felted purse - hurry in for best selection. The Kathleen felted purse class has been a popular request so we are going to create a weekday class. Some of the people in the weekend class are shifting to the weekday class and this will open up some more spots on the weekend one. The class is two-part and starts on the 27th. A great and fun way to learn the importance of gauge and to learn how to do short-rows and I-cord bind-off.
The other night I clicked on the Discovery channel and saw a picture of a jet on fire with the caption "San Diego 1978". Why do I mention this? Because in the morning I'm flying to San Diego for the trade show this weekend. I guess it's good that I'm not superstitious...or am I??
I'm hoping to find a lot of goodies for the store and will be back to blogging after the weekend.
Have a great weekend!
January 8, 200
Saturday started off with a sock class:
We had a good time and everyone did very well.
Pam finished her toe-up sock and learned tubular bind-off for
double rib:
Marinelle showed us her beautiful red shawl:
Before you think I was rude and cut her head off - she requested not to
be in the pic and I respect that - I feel the same way about myself most
times. But I'm very happy that we got a pic of the shawl because she did
a wonderful job!
Liz showed us her clapotis that she finished over the holidays.
This is the color that I've been wanting:
Gordon came in and modeled the scarf that Sharon made him. Gordon
asked Susan to take his picture by his car:
Looks like all of that turquoise kind of overwhelmed the
camera...everything seems to have a turquoise haze. lol Sharon did
a gorgeous job of knitting on the scarf.
And we had our monthly Knit-In:
We're not having food themes anymore but you would have thought the
theme was "crock-pot" because we had several. Hmm...maybe there's an
intentional pun there. lol If you look really, really close
between Rosemary and Anita (4th person on left), you will see the scarce
Emily. She dropped by for a minute and I mean "a minute". We were saying
she did a "drive-by" attendance. It was really good to see her!
More pics:
Marjie showed us her cute hat made out of wool and Party ribbon:
Marjie recently found out she is going to be a grandmother and boy, is
she excited! I notice she's sitting right in front of the baby yarn!
Devon showed us her cute little kitten hat:
Devon is definitely a "hip" knitter! She is such a delight to hang
around with. Turned out she and Sherri know each other from the
Carolyn did a shrug with Plymouth's Baby Alpaca Grande:
I just love this picture of Carolyn! She looks so cute in her shrug!
btw, she's holding a gift certificate for second place for her
Southwestern Chicken casserole.
Anita won third for her Chicken Chili soup (I believe that was the
Anita also showed us some of the talent things she does for the
children's program at the library:
Kay won first prize for her potato dish:
There was so much food and it was all good. There's so much food that
it's almost impossible to sample all of it!
Kay finished her scarf for the Red Scarf project and Anita agreed
to model it:
Made out of Schaefer's Miss Priss yarn.
Well, it came time to give the "Problem Child" award and I had a
whole room full of problem children! They ganged up on me and voted me
as the Problem Child. I was busy trying to think of a snappy come-back
and before I know it - I'm holding the award. Okay, guys....I'm keeping
score! lol
Happy Knitting!
January 6, 2007
Many times I'm doing the blog in a rush and don't have time to proof-read. I meant to write that the Black Sheep had their last meeting for 2006. No fear - they are still active!
Debbie came by the other day with the hood she knitted for a
relative. From stories I hear, many relatives received a knitted gift
with the needles still attached! (been there, done that....still do)
The hood was made out of Plymouth's Rimini yarn.
Okay, I'm a lousy photographer but even I hit a new low with this
Sorry, Betty. I hope you can bring the afghan back so I can get a better
picture. Betty hadn't crocheted for awhile and decided she wanted to
jump back into it with a huge afghan. And boy, she made this in record
time! She's now contemplating her next afghan because she has decided to
design her own! She's waiting for a book I have on order for her with
different crochet stitch patterns.
If you only knew how happy this next picture makes me:
Kathy and I celebrated the finish of this sweater. It was from a pattern
that she had purchased from out-of-state and whoever wrote it didn't
know how to add. Worse - the pattern designer switched companies after
this was written so we couldn't find an errata page. So...we had to
recalculate and rewrite the pattern. Here's the back of the
It's a beautiful sweater and looks great on Kathy!
The Sweater Club and I have been trying for about 3 months to get
everyone together to take a pic of them with their baby sweaters. It
seemed impossible so I took a picture of the ones that were at the
meeting last week with their sweaters:
I wish you could see all the other ones - they were all so darling! This
is a FiberTrends pattern that I have adapted so there are no seams - you
know how I hate seaming. Left to right - Phyllis, Christy, and Juanita.
Juanita loves the pattern so much that she has already made two and she
stocked up on yarn at the sale to make several more. Good going, girls!
They're still working on their cable sweaters and Wendy has
started a shawl:
It was a small turn-out but a lot of fun!
I always say that Maddy reminds me so much of myself. She gets so
excited when coming to the yarn store that she can hardly sit still and
knit! lol Here she's modeling a scarf and the first hat that she's
started. Her Aunt Barb helped with the decreases but I think Maddy is
ready to do the whole hat herself next time!
Here's Maddy taking a break from fondly the yarn and doing some
She went on a ski trip over the holidays and took her knitting with her!
I keep saying you may see her working in the store in a few years!
Don't forget - Knit-In tonight from 4-8pm! Bring a snack to share and get ready to have a good time. I've already been thinking about who to pass the "Problem Child" award to....
Hope to see you tonight!
January 2, 2007
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope everyone had a safe New Year's Eve and enjoyed the day off yesterday.
Last week, the Black Sheep had their last gathering:
We received our shipment of Mountain Colors!!
Melissa and Martha are busy picking out their favorite colors.
Look at that grin of Martha's! We received Barefoot and Mountain Goat.
Hurry in, these are going fast and shipments are slow!
Alma dropped in to do some shopping and we happened to notice her n
ew socks. They're made out of Opal and the color is Zebra.
Great job, Alma! It wasn't that long ago that she was making her first
Melissa came by to pick up her tote that she won:
While here, she showed a couple of projects that she finished:
This was made using Debbie Ware's Christmas Hat kit. I would love
to see the little one that got to wear this!
Melissa came in one day and said she saw the cutest little hat in
a boutique and knew that she could duplicate it. Well, that she did!
I managed to finish one of my afghans and worked yesterday making
samples for classes and working on a new pattern. I can't wait to get
the new pattern done so I can start on my Wool Bamboo sweater! I've
heard the sweater club making some remarks that they want to knit the
sweater also so maybe I'll have some company!
Take care!
December 28, 2006
I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I didn't have any major catastrophes like I did on Thanksgiving. Just had one minor mishap when the trash compactor got jammed and blew the surge protector that also had the refrigerator plugged into which required the frig to be pulled out. Oh, and I had rushed out last week and finally bought my son a Christmas present which was an IPod since he said his old one was broken. However, around 9pm on the 23rd, he announced that he had fixed his old one. So Christmas Eve was spent returning and buying something else. And talking about last minute shopping; I received an e-mail from Melissa telling me about the Christmas when her husband waited until the last minute to shop and the only thing he could find open was an auto parts store (at least that's his story). So she received an ice scraper, steering wheel cover, and windshield wipers for Christmas. Gee...I received an ice scraper a couple of years ago but didn't receive the steering wheel cover or wipers...... Well, Melissa, I think that story should receive a prize also!
Alma dropped by and received her tote bag for winner of the
I usually stay pretty focused with my projects but lately I can't
make up my mind and have started several. I'm doing an afghan out of
Plymouth's Baby Alpaca Grande:
I've decided to make this an "at home" project but have also started one
in cream color at the shop.
I've also started an afghan out of our alpaca:
Hmm..I hadn't noticed until this moment that I have the same color of
rusty-red in both of them.
I've also started a sweater out of the alpaca:
I started this two days ago and just have about an inch of ribbing done.
I played around with some lace knitting and was having a devil-of-a-time
seeing the stuff. I even tried the lighted needles (which really did
help). I've also been having trouble reading print so finally
decided that my new glasses were going back. For $800, I should be able
to see.
As if that wasn't enough, I've picked out my color of yarn to make
Terri Cummings called me one day and asked if I carried Classic Elite's
Wool Bamboo? I said that I didn't have it in but had some on order. She
said that she saw a picture of a sweater she was wanting to make. She
brought the picture in and wouldn't you know - it was the same sweater
that I had picked out. Of course, Terri has already started hers and
will be done in no time. I can't wait to see it.
I use to think I wouldn't like so many different projects going but I actually don't mind. It's kind of fun to pick and choose which one to work on and also change around during the day if I want.
Well, guess I better get something else accomplished. I'm working on a booklet for my sock classes and hope to have it done by next week's class.
Have a great knitting/crocheting day and remember it's Black Sheep day at the shop this afternoon! Everyone welcomed!
December 23, 2006
Well, I was surprised that I didn't receive more entries than what I did. I was sure I was going to hear all sorts of stories. I must admit I've been surprised by the number of husbands coming in for gift certificates. I just gush over how thoughtful they are almost to the point that they're wanting to bolt out of here in embarrassment. However, Anita did share a story with me about a friend who received a bra from her husband. I bet she was thrilled with that one! lol
Alma won the prize with her story of receiving a hamburger press from her aunt. It wasn't so much the gift itself, but the fact that the sister, Alma's mother, gave her the very same thing! I guess they thought Alma really loved hamburgers!
And speaking of Alma - she dropped in yesterday with her clapotis:
I just wish the picture would show just how pretty it really is. You
can't see the metallic thread and the colors are darker than what is
showing. Everyone was really admiring it.
Joan finished two of the afghans from the afghan club:
There's a lot of work there! What an heirloom she has created!
The shop will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas and then back
to normal hours on the 26th. To those who celebrate:
Merry Christmas!
December 22, 2006
The contest continues through today and I will announce the winner tomorrow. mggourmet@coxinet.net
December 21, 2006
I can't believe that Christmas is 4 days away. I do hope I'm able to suppress my laughter if another person comes in the store today asking for someone to knit stockings for their family by Christmas. What are they thinking? Don't they realize that this is something that should have been started, at the latest, last summer? And don't they realize that we have our own knitting to do? That should have been started last summer? And that we didn't???? So yes, I'm at the last moment trying to pull off the impossible. What really gets me is - I knew that I wouldn't be able to get it done so I didn't work on it very much. But then the mood struck me this week......I wish my moods would get in sync with the calendar.
And talk about moods...I've been in the mood for a contest but couldn't think of any. Well, this morning my husband asked me what he bought me for Christmas. See, my husband is the worst gift-giver on this earth. If he buys me a gift - it's usually something that he's been wanting. Like the hand-cranked flashlight he bought me for my birthday. Just what every girl wants. So I buy my own present for him to give me, but I'm getting off track here. Anyhow, this made me wonder what bizarre gifts others have received? So..a free tote bag to the winner of the worst gift ever received. e-mail me at mggourmet@coxinet.net I hope to get a few chuckles this morning.
Marilynn is a fairly new knitter and just finished her first
cabled project:
The scarf is for a friend of hers. One lucky friend.
Well, I better go and grab a few more minutes of knitting....
December 19,2006
My daughter and her family came up this
past weekend for our Christmas celebration:
The poor grandkids had to decorate the tree for me while I ran out at
the last moment and bought gifts. Where have the days gone where I use
to have everything bought/made by Halloween? *sigh* When I arrived
home back home; the tree was decorated but I noticed my OSU ornament was
broken and in the trash. Everyone said it was an accident but since I'm
the only OSU fan and the rest are OU......I wonder.......
It was also my daughter's birthday on Saturday. I got to babysit the grandkids all day Saturday while she did her shopping. A person tends to forget how fatiguing taking care of little ones is. lol But it was good to see them since it had been so long. They drove my son a little crazy and my daughter just laughed since she's 11 years older than he and said it was pay back time for when she had to put up with him.
Caroline brought her Miss Priss scarf and showed us:
Everyone went crazy over her scarf and Liz, Sandy, and Barbara started
one that very day!
Laura brought in her purse that she was designing for the
Pursenlaties but unfortunately didn't finish on time:
It doesn't show in the picture but Laura used Star shaped beads around
the top of the purse. Great job, Laura!
I had a private lesson with Teresa this made to graft the toe of
her sock:
Congratulations on your first sock, Teresa! Teresa made her sock out
of Cascade's Fixation.
New colors of Blue Heron rayon/metallic arrived yesterday. Also one new color of their Egyptian cotton called "Bluegrass".
Well, the countdown is on for Christmas and I'm sure there are many knitters out there remembering how they pledged last spring that they would start their Christmas knitting earlier this year......lol
December 14, 2006
I awoke this morning feeling a little stressed. Okay...really stressed. So many things to do; so little time. This worry; that worry. I needed to rush to the shop before it opened and get about 3 hours of work done in two. Well, apparently a wreck happened somewhere on the Parkway because traffic was backed up for miles which meant people taking the side streets. Side streets were packed which meant taking 45 minutes to go one mile. It's a mess out there and I started to get more stressed thinking about how much further this was putting me behind. Then it dawned on me - at least I would get there. It made me snap out of my pity-party quickly.
Okay, Sweater Club members, keep all of that in mind when you're
griping about doing buttonhole swatches tonight. lol I spent last night
knitting up swatches to show for the class tonight:
The picture of the sweater they are doing just drives me crazy. I can
not stand the upper band of a sweater not covering the underband. So
tonight I will be discussing and showing ways to compensate for that.
Remember girls, bring extra yarn, needles and the button you are going
to use.
We received some scarf kits from Schaefer Yarns on Tuesday:
The scarf is made with two different Schaefer colors and a slip-stitch
pattern is used. It looks like a lot of fun and there's one color combo
that I would just love to do but we have a limited number of kits so
guess I wait. Bummer.
We added the new Sock Blocker Keychains/pattern to our inventory.
These would make a great stocking stuffer:
It's a miniature wooden sock blocker on a keychain and includes
instructions for making miniature socks to put over the blocker. You
could dress your keychain to match your socks. lol
Gayle dropped in on Tuesday with a load of muffins from Mimi's.
She's been such a delight to have here and she's treating us?? I guess
we didn't scare her too much. lol She made a moebius for her
mother who is pretty ill:
Gayle flew back out to Honolulu on Wednesday but will be back in April.
Gayle is a crocheter but she's thinking about taking some knitting
classes in April. We'll miss you, Gayle!
And on the subject of moebius - Liz finished another one!
I forgot if this one is for her or a gift. I hope it's for her. She's
always making things for others.
Guess I better go. I've still got the instruction sheets to type up for
tonight's class.
December 11, 2006
Had a busy weekend - it was great seeing everyone coming and going. Gayle from Honolulu has been visiting the store this week and she got to meet some of the regulars on Saturday. She is such a kind person and fun to be around. Melissa has already committed Gayle into bringing macadamia nuts with her next time and made sure Gayle knew which days she works. lol
Kim was in my Next-Step club last month. She thought she could
only do garter or stockinette stitch. I had a hard time convincing
her that she was capable of doing more. Well..I was right:
Look at that! Moss stitch and cables! All she has left is weaving in the
ends. She was in to buy more yarn to make another one! Great job, Kim! I
knew you could do it!
Patricia dropped by and showed us her alpaca mittens and hat:
That's one thing I've really been wanting - some alpaca mittens or at
least wrist warmers. Maybe after I get some store samples finished.
Patricia has also been busy making hats for gifts:
I kind of like that OSU one! lol
Well, I did receive my surprise on Friday:
Nancy Forrest has been busy helping me design a bag to store my needles.
She has been instrumental in getting this accomplished. Susan got the
task yesterday of organizing most of them:
The bag was designed where you could have needles on both sides or have
needles on one side and the other side used for holding a knitting
project. There are small pockets on both sides:
The project side has one large pocket for holding a pattern or in my
case; I put my Denise needle set there:
The bags retail for $55.00. We are also designing a smaller
size and will have them before too long. I'm thinking that's the one I
will use to store my double points. It feels so great to have all
my circulars in one bag. I've always had 4 different bags for storing
them. Nancy has her bag nice and neat with typed labels for each
needle bag. These make a great gift!
I guess I better get this posted and out the door for a doctor's
appt this morning. Hope to see you later!
December 8, 2006
I've been forgetting to mention - we have a new location and new dates for the retreat! (at least I don't think I've mentioned it) We have an entire lodge all to ourselves at St. Crispin's! For more info - click on the link to the left. We're already half booked so don't wait too long!
I'm slowly getting around to posting about some new yarn from
Peru. I was wanting to wait until I had something made up but that's
taking me awhile. I'll introduce our new lace/fingering weight yarn:
100% alpaca. All colors but the black are natural colors. Cones are sold
by the weight at 9 cents/gram. There is approx. 1 kilo per cone which is
close to 5000 yards. Perfect for knitting/crocheting large lace
In the next couple of days I'll introduce another yarn that was designed for weaving but of course, I had to knit with it. I just love the feel of alpaca.
Last night a few of the Knit-Wits and I went to a dinner at Mercy
Health Center for hospice volunteers.
This is Bill and Annie:
Bill is a crocheter and can really crank out those blankets! Annie
graciously sews in labels which is the biggest chore of all.
And of course the founder, Cheryl, (left) and her first recruit,
Joyce claims that Cheryl didn't invite her to join Knit-Wits - she just
called and told her to be there. lol Joyce and Cheryl are also the ones
that stepped in and rescued me from the tv camera last year. lol
They had a drawing for prizes after the dinner and when they called
Bill, Randall (sorry can't remember Randall's official title but he's
our contact person) called him a Knit-Wit. Then after Cheryl and Joyce
won a prize and he called them Knit-Wits; someone made a remark and
Randall quickly explained who we were. The director quickly chimed in
that we had named ourselves. lol On the serious side - I think
everyone felt some emotion when Randall discussed what how patients
react to receiving a blanket and what it means to them.
Many people have told me that they want me to blog more often. Well, my life is about exciting as watching mud dry. It's work, work and then some more work. So if you want to see more entries - bring those projects by for Show 'N Tell!
I'm hoping Kenny (UPS) delivers one of my surprises today....
December 6, 2006
Here's hoping that everyone survived the snow storm safely and got some stitching done.
Saturday we had the Knit-In. As usual we had a lot of fun. It was
a little quieter though without some of the troublemakers. lol However,
the food as always was delicious. (of course, bribes with gift
certificates seems to help. ;-)
Carolyn won third place with her monkey bread. Carolyn - I wish
this recipe was in the cookbook, can you send it to me? I absolutely
loved it.
Anita made sausage balls that were unique with fruit - a lot like
dressing and won second.
You know they were good when they're devoured in no time. Hmm..I'm
thinking we're going to need another cookbook next year. lol
Karen made chocolate truffles that were sinful and captured first
I'm sure glad that I don't judge. I would never be able to make up my
mind. Some of the other dishes were turkey tetrazzini, raspberry
cheesecake. amaretto chocolate/caramel pie, stew, cheeseball, layered
Mexican dip, sugar cookies, pumpkin roll, etc. It's a feast every
month! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it again!
The trophy for Problem Child was passed on. Actually, everyone has
been fairly well behaved lately. But I did award it to Anita for
bringing in 3 knitting problems at once! lol The clapotis being the
biggest headache. lol
Laura finished her very first stocking hat during the Knit-In. She
was down to decreasing and was going to put it away for later when we
encouraged her to go ahead and finish while she had us around for
help. However, she did it with very little help!
The hat is made out of Schaefer's Miss Priss yarn. Looks good, Laura!
And talking about Schaefer yarn - they have been getting a lot of
good press lately. So yarn is getting harder to receive. Luckily I have a
great rep that has a lot of yarn on hand. I did finish the Kathleen
felted circular purse that will be a class in Jan. and Feb.:
I have the yarn in other colors but if you want this color - you will
need to buy it early. I have several hanks on the way if you want to
make an early purchase. It will be several weeks before it's available
again. This class will be great for learning how to do short-rows and
I-cord bind-off. I love how the I-cord is used to attach the front and
back together.
And talk about I-cord bind-offs - Marjie modeled her latest moebius:
I always say the pics don't do justice because you can't see how pretty
the yarn is. Here's a close-up:
Marjie used Cascade 220 Superwash and JCA Heavenly. The hat she is
wearing is her 19th hat to do this season. She says #20, 21, & 22 are on
the needles. She's even made a quilt! Makes me tired just thinking about
it. lol
I've had a lovely couple coming in lately - Devin and Phillip.
They took the sock class on Saturday and Phillip wore his hat that he
recently finished:
Great job, Phillip!
Cookbooks sales are going great! The books are going to places all
around the world! Marjie received a copy of the cookbook for being the
winner of the contest for the title of the book. Thanks, Marjie, for the
great name of "Knit 1, Cook 2".
Have a great day!
December 1, 2006
We're open! Coffeepot is on......